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- 3.1KDoes Your Crush Like You?3.18rated: 3.18/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 3.1K times3 comments
Hello! This quiz is about determining whether or not your crush likes you. Plz answer truthfully! If you don't, you will get a wrong answer! …
- 6.6K
There are many people calling themselves "Anime-Fans" in the internet. But that doesn't mean they're all the same. Various types of Anime-Fans exist that are …
- 20.8K
The Haschak sisters are my favourite people in the whole world!! Have you seen my username? Yep! I'm the biggest fan..... Hey! Hey! Wait a minute do you know …
- 1.7KWhat type of dog are you3.15rated: 3.15/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 1.7K times3 comments
There are many people who want to know if they were a dog, what tyepe of dog would they be. Well this would help you fiqure it out. …
- 2.4KWhat's your real name?3.96rated: 3.96/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2.4K times2 comments
You guys scored the lowest or the highest not sure:( But if you scored the highest part good for you proud of you But if you scored the lowest part try again …
- 1.1KWhat Level are You at in Your Music Career?3.74rated: 3.74/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 1.1K times2 comments
Many people these days are taking a go at music fame and the indie music game. Where do you stand in the sea of all these people who are looking for their big …
- 6.6K
There are young and old people in the world. Some of them are still studying in the school and some of them have graduated from school to look for works. …
- 16.7K
Hey there! Welcome to my quiz. Take this easiest ever or not forever test and umm I don't know and. So, how is life? Anyways, take the quiz. Best of luck! …
- 2.6K
There are many beautiful people in this world. They are smart, loving, caring, kind, and have that gorgeous smile you always look up too. I know very many …
- 837Which 7th Heaven Band Member Are You?3.17rated: 3.17/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 837 times
7th Heaven is a Chicago-based band who have recorded over hundreds of original songs and they have played thousands of shows. After being around for about 30 …