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- 6.7K
Are you smart enough for this quiz? Take it to find out! This quiz is only math questions. Just sayin. So if you are not good with math don't take it! …
- 5.6K
My quiz is based off my relationship with my boyfriend. I got bored and thought of him while I was doing a quiz and decided to make my own for people who don't …
- 1.4KShould you get a puppy?2.92rated: 2.92/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 1.4K times3 comments
Puppies are great, aren't they? When they are little, puppies are just SO cute! Anyone's heart will be melted if a very cute puppy is trying to do something …
- 2.4K
Hya. name's SkyKirin. I doubt many people know me, but you may see me floating arround the forums sometimes. usually for no reason. Enewez, do you think you …
- 3K
many people feel like they are being excluded,hated, and disliked in this world. IT is never your fault if a couple people dont value all your glory the way …
- 2.1KWhat Sakurasou Pet na Kanojo Character Are You?3.62rated: 3.62/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2.1K times1 comment
Have you ever wondered which Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo character you would be? Do you think you'll get your favoutite …
- 2.7K
This is a quiz to vaguely determine what animal represents your spirit. Of course, I could not include all the animals, so these are just vague guesses. If you …
- 35.9KThe 100 Clan Quiz4.18rated: 4.18/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 35.9K times
If you are obsessed with the TV show, the 100, then this quiz is definitely for you. The clans pride themselves with individuality, with different skills and …
- 2.1K
"Perfection" plays a serious role in today's society. The standards for beauty and perfection are clearly set by the media and magazines and newspapers! …
- 3K
I probably failed but I think you can't pass its just random things so yeah ha (random words) yeah hello sup awesome …