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- 268K
This quiz contains all possible questions for the Ilvermorny Sorting Quiz on Pottermore. In here you can be sure about which of the four american houses you …
- 44.7K
Some people are good, but some people are bad. Some are in the middle, some are a bit more bad and some are a bit more good. Some have more extreme punishments …
- 64.3K
Everybody has done something wrong, and so have you, unless you're more of a goody two shoes than me. So choose every answer wisely, my friend, or its... …
- 10.5K
Bloodborne, likes its predecessors, is a hard game full of struggles. It teaches its players the hard way like all Souls games do. It has hard bosses but some …
- 2.7K
this quiz is so people know what weapon to buy that fits them. are you a Viking, a knight, a soldier, or an archer. find out what weapon suits you the most. …
- 2.9K
Young Justice is one of my faves. I like to stare at Robin, my favorite superhero. But I was wondering... Which Of The Female Characters Am I Most Like? Well, …
- 12.9K
Is there that It There That Strang words I wrote there. Is tour dad caring and nice to you? Well I sort of ran. Out of things to say but here are some of my …
- 2.8K
Do you know who you really are? I think not take this very meaningful quiz I made this because I don't even know who I …
- 2.2K
Dragons.Said to be mythical creatures that live in different regions of the world. There are six types of dragons: Air ,Water, Earth, Fire, Dark and my personal …
- 10.5KWhich Lady Midnight Character Are You?3.9rated: 3.9/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 10.5K times
There are many characters in lady midnight, and if you are wondering just who you are most like then take this test. …