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- 349Which Lauryn Hill Song are You?2.75rated: 2.75/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 349 times
When it comes to music, we all have a persona. Answer the quiz honestly and to what fits you best to reveal which one of these 6 Ms. Lauryn Hill songs fits you …
- 94quel chef militaire de l'histoire etes vous ?5rated: 5/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 94 times
de quel général ou chef de guerre de l'histoire etes vous le plus proche ? quelles seraient vos strategies et vos façons de faire sur le champ de bataille ? …
- 292What WOF hybrid are you?4.5rated: 4.5/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 292 times
Find out what wings of fire hybrid are you! This is my second quiz and I am quite pleased to say that I finally made a WOF (Wings of fire) quiz! Hope you enjoy …
- 949Which Aesthetic Are You?3.46rated: 3.46/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 949 times
Today you will find out what kind of aesthetic you are! There are quite a lot of different types of aesthetics collected here, I hope your result triples, enjoy …
- 859What YouTube Famous Title Do You Deserve?4.42rated: 4.42/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 859 times2 comments
Hello everyone, this a sequel of "How Famous are you gonna be on YouTube?". I tried to think of other quizzes to make but sadly I couldn't of much. But I can do …
- 461Are You a Therian? let's find out!4.4rated: 4.4/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 461 times
this is a Therian quiz, if you don't know what it is, you may look it up. this quiz may have errors. please and thank you for reading and might have taking this …
- 251Which Stardew Valley Bachelorette is your soulmate?3.5rated: 3.5/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 251 times
Which Stardew Valley bachelorette is your soulmate? Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Maru or Penny? Which should you marry …
- 292What actually is a demon quiz3.94rated: 3.94/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 292 times
Quiz about the reality of demons to try to understand more about how humans view demons and in what way human will treat demons in different situations to …
- 89Are you a true Calvinist?0rated: 0/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 89 times
Are you a Calvinist? Do you think you are but aren't sure. Do you know you are and want confirmation? Do you want to confirm you're not Calvinist. Find out. …
- 146Which Throne of Glass Character Are You?4.89rated: 4.89/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 146 times
This quiz determines which character in Sarah J. Maas' Throne of Glass series you most closely resemble. It has eight possible results with fairly detailed …