Are you funny?-

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Hello this quiz will ask you quick and fast response questions so it can figure out if you are funny! And also if you take this test you will be one of the people who are ready to take a test that is checking thier personality.

mAlot of people think they are funny others don't so this test will figure it out for everyone! Thank you very very much for taking this test!!! Tyy!!

Created by: Mariah
  1. Hey imagine u say a joke that only one annoying person hears it and repeats it that every one hears it. How would u react?
  2. Have u ever thought that u were super funny?
  3. Pick a fruit!
  4. Are you good at fake laughing?
  5. Do people sometimes not laugh at ur joke?
  6. Who do you usually tell jokes to?
  7. Where do you tell ur jokes at?
  8. If u said a joke that every one laughed at except one person how would u react?
  9. What's ur humour?
  10. Last question.. if you really wanna pass what joke do u think would make someone laugh?

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Quiz topic: Am I funny?-
