Warriors Story: Part 3 (WindClan)

This is the second part of my oc's backstory. I don't know how many parts there will be, but there will be different stories depending on the endings you get.

Or, that is what I'm planning to do. I am horrible at planning a head, and writing backstories that aren't too, how some people would say, ''cringe.'' I am also quite bad at english.

Created by: Binertylo
  1. You wake up, confused by the dream. You do know one thing; WindClan can not be trusted.
  2. You see that Sparktail has left. Getting up, you look around for someone to eat with.
  3. Before you have a chance to even step outside your den, Troutnose comes limping up to you.
  4. 'Ivypaw, I have a thorn in my paw.' he says. You nod, and quickly treat him. 'Take it easy.' you tell him. Trotting out of the medicine den, you look around. 'Hey, Ivypaw!' a voice says. It's Dovepaw, and she's holding a rabbit. 'Would you like to eat with me?'
  5. Quickly gobbling down the rabbit with your sister, you get up and hear Sparktail call you into the medicine den.
  6. Walking in, you see that Dapplefur, the WindClan medicine cat is next to Sparktail. You realize that Sparktail is shaking. You sense fear and anger coming from both of them. 'WindClan has gone rogue.' Dapplefur starts. 'I have come here to tell you that Cinderstar sent Foxtail to kill Goosewing. I am the only one that is against our leader. I didn't know what to do!'
  7. 'I think they are trying t-' she tries to continue, but sounds of a fight break out in the clearing. Bluelake come rushing in with Dovepaw, and both of them have blood on their pelts.'WindClan attacked Dovepaw and Dapplenose when they were training! They severely injured Dovepaw, and killed Dapplenose!' Dapplefur goes to help Bluelake, while Sparktail helps Dovepaw.
  8. While you are healing them, Lakestar yowls. 'Retreat! There are too many of them!' You look out of the den and see the clan running out. You see so many cats, lying on the floor. Most of them are RiverClan. 'Bluelake, head over to ShadowClan and inform Smokestar about what has happened. Take Ivypaw with you. We will head to ThunderClan with Dovepaw. Cover your tracks, and be safe.' Sparktail quietly tells your father. He nods to you, and you both run off in the direction of the ShadowClan camp.
  9. You and your father are on your way to the camp, when Beepelt, a WindClan cat, leaps on you. You struggle under her grasp, and she slashes at your throat.
  10. Bluelake tackles her to the ground, and the two start fighting. 'Run, Ivypaw!' your father shouts. Without hesitation, you run in the direction of ShadowClan camp.
  11. You finally get to ShadowClan camp, and the cats believe your story. Smokestar had you take a warrior with you to find Bluelake.
  12. You lead the warrior to the location that you remember. You find your father, and the Beepelt. Neither of them are moving.
  13. You and the warrior burry Bluelake and Beepelt, and head back to camp. ShadowClan welcomes you as a new medicine cat along with Shadefur until RiverClan comes back.
  14. You drift off into sleep.

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