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- 218Do You Have An Elemental Affinity?3.75rated: 3.75/5Promoted 5 months agotaken 218 times1 comment
there are many world traditions that involve the elements. wicca, feng shui, and many other traditions involve elements in some way. there are different systems …
- 10.9KAre you cute? Let's find out!4.32rated: 4.32/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 10.9K times1 comment
Welcome to "are you cute??" Where we'll find out if you are indeed adorable or not, a short test only 5 questions, and remember cute isn't only looks but also …
- 246ULTIMATE MADOKA MAGICA QUIZ!!5rated: 5/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 246 times
Welcome to my madoka magica quiz! This quiz is intended for people who have watched the anime at least one time. The questions range from EASY to IMPOSSIBLE; …
- 63How Much Do You Know About Horses.3.5rated: 3.5/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 63 times
Hello! welcome to this quiz! I hope you enjoy it and learn from it too! I had fun making it! Also just remember this is for fun and does not define you as a …
- 138Which WOF queen are you? (All my art!)5rated: 5/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 138 times
This quiz is about which WOF queen you are! You all answer ten questions, and, it will tell you what WOF Queen you are. Keep in mind, these are only queens from …
- 341Sordland Political Ideology Quiz5rated: 5/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 341 times
This is a quiz to find out what ideology from Sordland which is a fictional country loosely inspired from Türkiye and set in the 1950s, that appears to be more …
- 1.4KHow Fascist are you?3.8rated: 3.8/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 1.4K times1 comment
Fascism is a complex ideology that features elements from many ideologies but is effectively the totalitarian synthesis of Syndical Socialism and Nationalism. …
- 185Which Animal in the Main Crew are You?4rated: 4/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 185 times
This quiz will tell you which of the main flock member you might be best friends with/would be in 20 questions. Maybe youll get who youre hoping for! …
- 137I GOT - AI - TO MAKE A QUIZ: Are You a Galactic Superstar?3.67rated: 3.67/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 137 times
I am very bored so I decided to teach the AI how the scoring system works and all the things it had to do! So, here is …
- 305Which Princess Are You?!4.38rated: 4.38/5Promoted 6 months agotaken 305 times1 comment
You will pick your answers and based on your answers there will be a princess that you have the same personality as! Yeah. thats basically all that is. …