Which Riverdale Teen Are You?

There's a reason why the Archie Comics are one of the longest running comic strips of all time. I mean, they've been going since the 1940s! Y'know why? The characters!

Loveable characters like Moose and Jughead are what make the Archie comics so beloved. But have you ever wondered which character you are most like? Well, you're in luck! I made this quiz for that reason!

Created by: JugheadFan#1
  1. First of all, who's your favorite!
  2. Pick a hobby.
  3. Who is your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
  5. How do you feel about homework?
  6. What do you do at the mall?
  7. How often do you get in trouble at school?
  8. Pick a book genre.
  9. Would you say you're good at flirting?
  10. How do your friends describe you?

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Quiz topic: Which Riverdale Teen am I?
