Which character from my story "The Monsters" are you?

"The Monsters" is a story I'm writing in order to process and cope with my friends' emotional abuse of me in high school. Each "monster" symbolises someone who abused me and how they abused me. It also develops the paranoia of the main character, which parallels some of my own paranoid thinking (I won't be like those on tik tok who say 'I'm self-diagnosed...' blah blah blah).

Each monster is similar yet differs from the other in a few ways. I'm trying to write this in a horror genre, but I'm not too good at horror, so it has a lot of drama and some theatre-esque elements.

Created by: Javi
  1. First off, are you diagnosed with (or reasonably suspect)...?
  2. Would you consider yourself...?
  3. Pick a career option.
  4. Pick a method of bullying.
  5. Would you consider yourself...?
  6. Do you enjoy the feeling of "schadenfreude?" (taking pleasure in one's suffering?)
  7. Would you consider yourself...?
  8. Which of these personalities fits you best?
  9. Pick a "big word."
  10. Is this a good idea for an actual published story? (will not affect your score)

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Quiz topic: Which character from my story "The Monsters" am I?
