Would I like you as a friend

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sooo this is my first quiz idk why I made this I was just bored. Im a woman by the way. but im under 18 so im not a woman. im a girl then. I dont know why I said that 👍

its ab whether I would like u as a friend but thats pretty obvious from the title soooooooooooooooooooooo. I really dont know what to write it says it has to be 150 letters long or smt. 😭

Created by: Val
  1. Are you a Kanye fan?
  2. Favourite bluelock character?
  3. Do you like Taylor Swift?
  4. Do you like emo kids?
  5. U a boy, girl, or other? (sorry to all people that identify as anything but a male or female js pick other bc im underinformed and can't name all the pronouns <3)
  7. Would you let me copy your homework? (I swear I dont do my hw at all I do it in break or when the teacher is collecting it 😭)
  8. Tape or glue? (idk why im asking this I just want to. doesnt effect the final score)
  9. are you the "besties are mean to each other" kind?
  10. What would you do if a random 7 year old kid insulted you
  11. Would you lend me money for lunch if I forgot to bring money?
  12. Do you use cai?
  13. Music stan or nah?
  14. Do you like hand sanitiser (idk okay dont judge)

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