How much are you crushing on your teacher?

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Is there that one teacher at your school who's fairly attractive? Do you think you're starting to crush on them? Are you curious about exactly how much you like them? Well, good for you, because I have just the right quiz for you! (By the way, this quiz uses masculine pronouns to refer to your teacher. If your teacher is female, this quiz is still relevant, don't worry. Also, if you are in elementary school, this quiz won't be as relevant to you, sorry. Well, I guess it's still fine.)

Hey, don't tell anyone, but I also have a crush on one of my teachers. And it's probably the biggest crush I have ever had in my whole entire life. Wish me luck, my fellow schoolchildren.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. Did you give yourself a fake name that consists of your given name and your teacher's surname?
  2. Do you get nervous when you have to ask him a question or talk to him?
  3. What's your favourite physical characteristic of his? (Sorry, you have to pick one.)
  4. What's your favourite personality trait of his? (Sorry again, you can only pick one.)
  5. When you're in class, do you pay attention to what he's saying?
  6. When you walk around school, do you try to catch a glimpse of him when you walk by his classroom?
  7. Is there a certain class/time of day for you where he tends to randomly walk into the room for whatever reason? If so, what do you do when that happens?
  8. Do you notice small details about him that no one else seems to notice? For example, when my teacher smiled, I noticed that he has a dimple on each of his cheeks!🤭
  9. Just think about this in your head, no need to answer - What subject does he teach? Okay, now for the real question - Is that subject your favourite subject? And why?
  10. In your fantasies, what do you usually do with him?
  11. Do you ever dream about him?
  12. How often do you think about him?
  13. Would you die to save him?
  14. Do you listen to love songs thinking about him?
  15. Last, but not least...if you were alone in a room with him in the middle of nowhere, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: How much am I crushing on my teacher?
