Which of my band teachers are you?

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An incident occurred 37 years ago...who knows it could have caused me to have three different band teachers at three different times in only the first quarter of school?

I liked all of my three band teachers even though one of them screwed up a long time ago. But...I do really like the new teacher. If you want to find out which of my three band teachers you resemble most, go on and answer the questions.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. What instrument are you best at?
  2. Which of these do you talk about most in groups of people?
  3. What colour is your hair?
  4. What colour are your eyes?
  5. If someone was misbehaving (mildly), how would you punish them?
  6. Do you wear glasses?
  7. Are you bilingual/multilingual?
  8. How would you relate to your students? Would you remember their names?
  9. What generation are you in?
  10. What letter does your forename (given name) start with?
  11. What letter does your surname start with?
  12. What is your biggest confession?
  13. Would the students find you cute? Or handsome/beautiful? (You can answer this as jokingly as you want or as seriously as you want)
  14. What are you most likely to be shamed for? (If you have been shamed for one of these things before, pick that one)
  15. What do you usually wear?
  16. How strict are you?
  17. Do you like sports?
  18. If a student of yours wanted you to be in a picture with their friends, what kind of expression would you make?
  19. Do/did other people look up to you?
  20. What is your relationship status? (If you are divorced, then choose single)
  21. How is your relationship going right now?
  22. And finally, how have you been doing lately?

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Quiz topic: Which of my band teachers am I?
