What teacher are you the most like?

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When you were growing up and thinking about becoming a teacher, what teacher inspired you to choose the teaching profession? Do you model the way you teach after these teachers who inspired you?

There were many television and movie teachers who remind us of teachers we experienced throughout our educational careers - some good and some bad. Now that you have become a teacher, which of the teachers in this quiz do you most resemble? This short quiz will help you decide.

Created by: Tom Perry
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you consider your teaching style as being very structured and routine oriented?
  2. Do you use a lot of visuals and "hands-on" teaching strategies in your classroom?
  3. How much of your class period or subject time slot is used for teaching and/or seat work?
  4. What does the discipline in your classroom look like?
  5. Are students allowed to eat and drink in your classroom?
  6. How do students perceive your class?
  7. How do you normally dress everyday when you teach?
  8. What is your overall persona as a teacher?
  9. Which of these fit you as a leader of your classroom?
  10. What level of students do you primarily teach each year?
  11. What words describe you as a teacher?

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Quiz topic: What teacher am I the most like?