What does your favourite teacher think of you?

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Have you ever wondered what your favourite teacher thinks of you? It takes true mental power to figure that out alone...but no-one has that ability. You may be close but you don't know what they're thinking...

Do you want to find out what he/she thinks of you? Are you curious? And do you have the guts to find out? At last you will know before you make a fool of yourselves... I f not already...

Created by: purplecow

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you do when you first walk into class?
  2. What is most likely to happen after class?
  3. What words most describes you in class?
  4. Your parents force you to go to an extra curricular club, you choose Science Club, why?
  5. Do you have a favourite teacher?
  6. Are you allowed to be random in class?
  7. Choose one...
  8. Purple or Blue?
  9. Pick a smiley...
  10. Last question... Will you comment and rate? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: What does my favourite teacher think of you?