How Well are you Doing in School

Disclaimer! This quiz is not made to offend people or make them feel bad in any way. I also have advice for those who need it at the end. #IHaveToMakeItLonger

Anyway. Have you ever wondered if you are doing well in school? Well, I hope not! This is not based on personality or what group you are in. This is based off of grades and behavior more than anything. It might not be good.

Created by: Vic
  1. Hi!
  2. Are you in any advanced / accelerated classes? (Example: You are in 8th grade doing 9th grade math)
  3. What do your grades look like?
  4. How would your teachers describe you? (Not in terms of personality)
  5. What kind of Pokemon are you?
  6. Have you ever gotten a detention?
  7. Do you talk when the teacher is talking?
  8. Have you ever skipped a class?
  9. Do teachers who don't even have you know your name?
  10. Has the teacher ever done this: And so then you carry the one.. right (your name)? You: Uhm. Right.
  11. Do you talk in the lunchroom after the supervisors basically say, "Okay now shut up so we can dismiss you"
  12. Do you do your homework at any time when you get home?
  13. Have you ever gotten in trouble on the bus? Press skip if you don't ride the bus (or if ur bus driver really said "Idc" to all shenanigans)
  14. Okay, I hope you did good. Time for the results!

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Quiz topic: How Well am I Doing in School
