How Much Do You Know About Andrew William Zhu (NEW)?

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Andrew William Zhu, better and more commonly known as Andy or Andrew, also known by his first and last name together, Andrew Zhu, is a major recurring antagonist in Matt Olsson's 2024 cartoon-animated cringe comedy TV show, "The Verse" (2024). Originally debuting in early Season 2, Andrew is always exaggeratedly contradictory (examples: doing and saying the exact opposite of whatever someone asked him to do; exaggeratedly inaccurate or contradicting statements), exaggeratedly moronic (examples: acts this way every single day; makes very moronic decisions; doesn't know how to act his age), exaggeratedly rude (example: sometimes calls people "moronic s---heads"), exaggeratedly dismissive (example: dismisses anything he hates or doesn't care about), exaggeratedly loud, exaggeratedly profane, exaggeratedly enraged, and exaggeratedly poor (example: barely has enough to survive and only wears one single outfit each day).

Speaking of his outfit, Andrew truly only wears the same dirty black Puma hoodie with two very messed up black drawstrings attached, the same dirty muddy-green sweatpants (with orange and gray striped drawstrings), the same dirty black Adidas socks, and the same worn-out men's black/white Pegasus 38 Nike shoes throughout the entirety of Matt Olsson's "The Verse" (2024).

Created by: Okuyacamana
  1. Fill in the blank: Andrew Zhu was born in _______________.
  2. What is Andrew's sole and only label throughout the entirety of "The Verse" (2024)?
  3. Fill in the blank: Andrew is a ___________.
  4. Fill in the blank: Andrew is exaggeratedly ____________________________.
  5. How is Andrew contradictory?
  6. Is Andrew exaggeratedly enraged? If so, why?
  7. Score: How exaggeratedly moronic is Andrew?
  8. Score: How exaggeratedly contradictory is Andrew?
  9. Fill in the blank: Andrew's favorite song is _________________________________.
  10. Final Question: Do you like Andrew Zhu (also known as Andy, Andrew, or Andrew William Zhu)?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Andrew William Zhu (NEW)?
