How Much Do You Know About Andrew William Zhu?

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Andrew William Zhu, better and more commonly known as simply Andy or Andrew, also known as Andrew Zhu, is a major recurring antagonist throughout the entirety of Matt Olsson's 2024 cartoon-animated cringe comedy TV show, "The Verse" (2024) (Matt Olsson is obviously the sole, individual, and only creator of "The Verse" (2024) and the only one who put all the work in making "The Verse"). Originally making his debut in early Season 2, he plays a prominent role as an exaggeratedly moronic contrarian.

Much like a vast majority of characters (in other words; almost all the characters, obviously except for Anna Yu) in "The Verse" (2024), Andrew is always exaggeratedly negative and enraging. Furthermore, he doesn't have any true redeeming qualities. In this case, Andrew is always exaggeratedly contradictory (does the opposite and says the opposite of whatever someone says), exaggeratedly easily confused, exaggeratedly moronic, possibly very uneducated, exaggeratedly easily enraged, exaggeratedly disinterested, and quite profane.

Created by: Alphy
  1. When was Andrew Zhu born?
  2. What is Andrew Zhu's height?
  3. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how often does Andrew yell "ANDREW!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!" (Andrew does this when he is exaggeratedly loud, exaggeratedly enraged, and acting exaggeratedly moronic)?
  4. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how contradictory is Andrew overall (Andrew is contradictory by doing and saying the exact opposite of what people say. This mainly depends, as he is incapable of doing a vast majority of things in life, so don't expect him to be able to do it, let alone try to do it, he always gives up and he is very confused)?
  5. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how often is Andrew easily enraged?
  6. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how much does Andrew swear? How exaggeratedly profane is Andrew?
  7. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how often is Andrew a moronic contrarian?
  8. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how brittled is Andrew's teeth overall?
  9. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how often is Andrew dismissive or disinterested?
  10. Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how useless is Andrew?
  11. What does Andrew wear all the time (regardless of the season, regardless of the time, regardless of the event, all because of one thing: he's exaggeratedly poor as s---)?
  12. Final question: Find the most accurate answer. Using a scale of 0 to 10, how much of a goddamn failure is Andrew overall?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Andrew William Zhu?
