the OFFICIAL changes in Matt Olsson's "The Verse" quiz

On November 1, 2024, 5:54:58 PM EST, Matt Olsson, the main creator of the show, the screenwriter, animator, music producer, and character designer made some official changes that made this show even better than it was before. No girls, no romantic stuff, just a bunch of absurd chaos and bizarre unrealisticness!!!

This quiz will test your understanding once again. You must get a passing grade on this quiz or else Matt Olsson will NOT be happy. sir Matt Olsson is the best bros!!!

Created by: clyde
  1. Change 1: which character got deleted/condemned to hell/eternal damnation/got condemned/got scrapped
  2. Change 2: how many characters are male and how many characters are male/female
  3. Change 3: which is one major antagonist
  4. Change 4: episodes
  5. Change 5: Andrew's relationship with Philbert the cat
  6. Change 6: the major antagonists are now:
  7. Change 7: How absurd will this show be out of a 200 (200/200 is the highest and 0/100 is the lowest)
  8. Change 8: the main setting of the verse is:
  9. Change 9: who will now be the most hated character in the show
  10. Change 10: how many of the characters will be male/are male/are already male
  11. Change 11: no female characters? because of what?
  12. Change 12: this show is not gay, it has a massive theme of androcentrism and malecentricness
  13. Change 13: will there be a theme song
  14. Change 14: how cringe will this show be out of a 200 (200/200 highest and 0/200 lowest)
  15. Change 15: philbert and rocky will talk
  16. Change 16: quotes and famous lines

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