Matt Olsson's TV Show, "The Verse", Final Exam.

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Hello! It's me again, the legendary and awesome Matt Olsson! I am the creator of these characters (Andrew Zhu, Lloyd Chan, Mel Grimson, Elegans the male talking Protobothrops Elegans who can play the trumpet, and Anna Yu). This is your final exam for the semester, and after you've finished the quiz, the score will determine whether you've failed miserably or successfully passed my class.

On, if you search up "Elegans", "Anna Yu", "Mel Grimson", "Andrew Zhu", and "Lloyd Chan", you'll find 12 trillion duplicates of each character on I have made a surplus of duplicates of these characters. These characters are not part of an official TV show, movie, book, novel, cartoon, or comic. They are not part of an official recognition or a franchise. Thank you for your understanding.

Created by: Matt Olsson of Matt Olsson's Online Sequencer Link.
(your link here more info)
  1. S1 E1: What happens in the beginning? The very beginning?
  2. S1 E1: What was Lloyd's reaction after Mel Grimson gluttonously drank the rest of his Minute Maid orange juice carton, which was specifically for him, and not for anyone else?
  3. S1 E1: How did Andrew Zhu break up the situation between Mel and Lloyd? Remember, this is just part one of the situation/argument.
  4. S1 E1: Why were Andrew's attempts of breaking the situation up entirely rendered useless and failed miserably?
  5. S1 E1: Why did Mel Grimson think JOOICE was better than Minute Maid? (Note: JOOICE is an entirely fictional juice company that doesn't exist)
  6. S1 E1: What does Lloyd do, in order to calm down and stay away from Mel Grimson, trying to prevent himself from being even more mad?
  7. S1 E1: What channel immediately pops up as soon as Lloyd turned on the TV?
  8. S1 E1: What was the judge saying to the people who were watching this commercial? Choose the best answer that matches what he says.
  9. S1 E1: After watching the commercial/announcement, what does Mel Grimson want to do?
  10. S1 E1: What were the ingredients that Mel Grimson decided to put in order to make the concoction/smoothie for the competition?
  11. S1 E1: What happens when the judge tries a bit of their smoothie?
  12. S1 E2: Which character is introduced this time?
  13. S1 E2: What does Elegans want to do?
  14. S1 E2: Which course does Elegans take?
  15. S1 E2: What was Lloyd's reaction after seeing Elegans spontaneously getting famous and loved as an actor in detective films?
  16. S1 E2: What happens in the ending of this episode?
  17. S1 E3: Why does Lloyd interrogate and yell at Elegans so much?
  18. S1 E4: Why do the crows attack Lloyd Chan?
  19. S2 E1: Who is introduced this time?
  20. S2 E2: What did Anna do to express her love towards Lloyd?
  21. S2 E3: Who is introduced now?
  22. S2 E4: The angry crows return. Who do they attack now?
  23. S3 E1: What is in Mel's second concoction that he made?
  24. Final Question: Do you think Matt Olsson is a cool screenwriter?

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