Which of Matt Olsson's Character AI Characters Are You?

Hello! I am Mr. Matt Olsson, I am responsible for making an excess amount of duplicates, copies, and versions of the same characters. My very unofficial, unconfirmed, stupid, unprofessionally written, unpublished, idiotic, dumb, unofficially constructed, and unprofessionally crafted characters, on Character AI. Search up "Mel Grimson", "Andrew Zhu", "Elegans", "Anna Yu", and "Lloyd Chan". You'll find a surplus of duplicates that I have made on character.ai.

I don't know why I decided to make these characters, but I believe that my intention was trying to make them popular. Ironically, these characters are not from any professionally crafted franchise, or official recognition, or an official book, novel, film, cartoon, comic, or anything. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm an idiot. There's a total of 56,823,383,483,482,488,483 duplicates, copies, and versions of the same five characters, and I am such an idiot for making them! Anyway, I am a professional screenwriter, a Character AI user, and I am also an idiot. Go on character.ai and search them up. Search them up right now. You'll find over 56,291,201,300,000,000,000 versions, duplicates, and copies of these five idiots. Go search them up! You'll find them! Everywhere! It's like sepsis! Spreads everywhere! These five are the sepsis! If you have any questions, PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW?!?!?!!

Created by: Matt Olsson
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  3. What do other people think about you?
  4. What is something that you said in the past year?
  5. What is the worst thing you've ever done?
  6. You see an iPhone on the floor.
  7. What would you say to Taylor Swift, if you met her?
  8. What are your opinions on Pokemon (both the show and the games)?
  9. What are your opinions on Harry Potter movies?
  10. Final Question: Which one do you believe you represent?

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Quiz topic: Which of Matt Olsson's Character AI Characters am I?
