Which Bungo Stray Dogs Character are you? (pop. Kin edition)

I got tired of my friends asking me to kin assign them characters, usually from BSD, so I made a quiz that'll do it for me. In this quiz are the more commonly kinned characters: Akutagawa, Atsushi, Chuuya, Dazai and Ranpo.

I made it shorter because all of them require some amount of deeper thought and I also didn't want to drag it on for too long. I hope you're satisfied with your results.

Created by: Arius
  1. What is your outlook on life?
  2. What are you like emotionally?
  3. Would you consider yourself smart?
  4. What are you like with your schoolwork?
  5. What are you like as a friend?
  6. Answer one.
  7. Pick one that you relate to.
  8. Which activities are you more interested in?
  9. Who do you think you got? (Freebie)
  10. Lastly... Were you honest in your answers?

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Quiz topic: Which Bungo Stray Dogs Character am I? (pop. Kin edition)
