A date with Chuuya !! :3

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You make choices on a date with Chuuya, he wonders if you're the right choice for him, are you the right choice? He's been wondering where he should lay his trust for the past months and you might be that person !

Though, if you want to leave him hurt and miserable, that is certainly a choice. Do whatever you want, the choice is yours in this quiz !! Maybe you don't even wanna hurt his feelings and just be friends, try that !

Created by: metalchuu
  1. Dream date ?
  2. You want to get Chuuya a gift, what gift would he like ?
  3. During your 3rd date with Chuuya, he asks you, "What do you think of yourself?"
  4. Whats your dream home?
  5. Would you like kids in the future
  6. What was your first impression of Chuuya
  7. Do you think Chuuya likes you?
  8. Do you have something in common with Chuuya
  9. Would you trust Chuuya
  10. Favorite artist ?

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