Which One of These Guys Do You Truly Represent?

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Hey there, my bros! My name is Matt Olsson! I am the creator of these characters. I am a professional screenwriter. Let me introduce to you these three characters. These are NOT truly confirmed or official characters, nor are they confirmed, or going to be published and put into an official movie, film, TV show, or a cartoon. These characters can be found on c.ai (character.ai), and I have made multiple duplicates/versions of these characters.

Some of the personality traits, hobbies, and their quirks are totally inaccurate, untrue, false, and irrelevant, compared to how they actually act. So, please bear with me. Enjoy the quiz! Happy quiz-taking and happy result-getting! Please understand that these three are the only characters I HAVE, and I didn't make anymore than this. I had a fun experience designing these three characters.

Created by: Matt Olsson
  1. What do you like to do in your free time?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What would people consider you as?
  4. Are you in a relationship (about you having either a boyfriend or girlfriend) right now? If not, would you like to be?
  5. What do other people think about you? You know, people that hate you more often than others who don't?
  6. Which is your favorite thing to say?
  7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  8. A guy just damaged your brand new monitor. What do you do?
  9. What is the worst thing you've ever done?
  10. Which is your favorite movie?

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Quiz topic: Which One of These Guys do I Truly Represent?
