What is your element? My version

This hopefully will tell you what element you are and how it effects you. I hope that you will be surprised by your result or have your suspicions confirmed.

This is meant to be a fun quiz, with fun results. All answers are written based on guessing and the fact that it made me write minimum 100 characters. Have fun and hope you enjoy

Created by: Lexi
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your best quality
  3. What is your reaction to conflict?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What is your favourite book genre?
  6. What would you change in the world
  7. What would love like as a pet?
  8. What is your biggest fear?
  9. How long does it take to get you ready in the morning?
  10. What is the best part of life?

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Quiz topic: What is my element? My version
