How Much Do You Know About Andy/Andrew/Andrew Zhu/AWZ?

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This is a quiz designed to see how much you know about Andrew Zhu (Andy, Andrew, or Andrew William Zhu). He isn't an official character from an actual book or a movie, or a cartoon, but please try your best.

You can do this and learn more about this character when you are taking the quiz, you can kind of get a rough idea of what kind of struggles he has to go through and his personality traits as well as his hatred for romance.

Created by: lazerbird28
  1. What is Andrew mostly known for?
  2. How sinful is Andrew Zhu in general?
  3. How much does Andrew hate romance, worldly pleasures, children, pets, marriage, love, music, cringe things, weddings, cars, food, big houses, and social interactions out of a 100?
  4. What is Andrew's main goal?
  5. What top clothing does Andrew wear normally?
  6. What does Andrew wear (pants wise)
  7. When was Andrew born?
  8. Why does Andrew hate worldly pleasures (i.e: romance, pets, children, marriage)?
  9. What does Andy love the MOST?
  10. What is Andrew's most iconic personality trait?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Andy/Andrew/Andrew Zhu/AWZ?
