The Andrew William Zhu Quiz

Andrew Zhu (also known as Andy, Andrew, or Andrew William Zhu) is one of the stupidest and hated characters in the entirety of fiction. He is seen as a failure at first but he became one of the most hated characters in fiction very quickly. Andrew Zhu (also known as Andy, Andrew, or Andrew William Zhu) is a former supporting character turned secondary antagonist in Matt Olsson's TV show, "The Verse". He is a very fat dolt who doesn't know how to do anything right at all. When he was first introduced, he was clearly unable to prevent conflicts or disasters from happening, he failed to stop conflicts, failed to prevent conflicts, and failed to resolve them. He is hated because of his extremely huge lack of intelligence and his repeated counts of failing miserably. He becomes even more hated when he decides to not do anything to help the situations. He becomes much more hated when he teams up with Mel Grimson (he/him/his) and work with him to sabotage random events and they both act like extremely spoiled, stupid, idiotic, dumb children with no sense of humor or sense of selves. Because of this, it is become a trend that Andrew Zhu needs to be condemned and Jesus does NOT love him. Andrew Zhu was revealed to be the embodiment of disaster-starting, conflict-causing, trouble-making, childish antics, sinfulness, and idiocy.
He is an extremely failing failure who doesn't know how to do anything right. Originally seen as a person who sucks at trying to resolve conflicts, stop conflicts, or prevent them from happening in the first place, he becomes way too hated in a very short amount of time. Not only is he hated, he is also exceptionally and vastly poorly written.