test your knowledge about Matt Olsson's TV show, "The Verse"

"The Verse" is a 2024 cartoon-animated TV show created by Matt Olsson. It is an exceptionally unfunny, weird, absurd, stupid, unrealistic, and garbage show that makes no sense.

Many people hate two specific characters in this show, Andrew Zhu and Mel Grimson. These two have caused the most trouble, problems, disasters, conflicts, and issues.

Created by: caleb
  1. How many characters are there in the show?
  2. Who is the least hated character in the show (among these four)?
  3. Who is the most hated character in the show, without a doubt, without question?
  4. How many ANIMAL characters are there in the show?
  5. Anna Yu is... (fill in the blank)
  6. Elegans is... (fill in the blank)
  7. Andrew Zhu's personality is... (fill in the blank)
  8. Mel Grimson (he/him/his) is the... (what)?
  9. Main ingredients to make "The Verse" dish? This dish is the main dish that is so iconic and popular. You need to know the ingredients.
  10. What is the absolute worst thing Andrew has done? Andrew Zhu deserves all the punishments in the world (such as eternal condemnation).

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Quiz topic: Test my knowledge about Matt Olsson's TV show, "The Verse"
