Rate Andrew Zhu

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Andrew Zhu (also known as Andy, Andrew, or Andrew William Zhu) is the secondary antagonist in Matt Olsson's TV show, "The Verse". He is also known as "The Sewer Rat" because he represents a rat, a very dirty, disgusting one that belongs in the sewers, always spreading disease and uncleanliness.

Andrew Zhu, despite only being the secondary antagonist, is said to be one of the most hated and most cringiest characters in fiction. He is so hated, it has become a trend where everyone and everything condemns him to hell.

Created by: iDreamBig
  1. How hated would you say Andrew is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000? 0 meaning that he is not hated at all and actually genuinely loved and respected, and 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly hated by everyone.
  2. How stupid would you say Andrew is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000? 0 meaning that he is not stupid at all and actually a genius and very smart, very rich and very successful, and 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly stupid and fails at everything.
  3. How cringe would you say Andrew is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000? 0 meaning that he is not cringe at all and actually a very funny character, very entertaining and very awesome, and 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly cringe and is extremely unfunny and awkward.
  4. How much of a failure would you say Andrew is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000? 0 meaning that he is not a failure at all and actually very successful, got straight A's, went to a very prestigious college and graduated, has a very sweet wife, now has children and a very fancy mansion, and 600,000 meaning he is a failure at heart and he will always remain as a failure for the rest of his life because he fails all the time and his failing tendencies are infinite and permanent.
  5. How untalented would you say Andrew is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000? 0 meaning that he is very talented and actually a very creative individual, and 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly untalented.
  6. How gluttonous would you say Andrew is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000? 0 meaning that he is not gluttonous at all and actually excellent at budgeting his food, great at abstaining from sins and not wasteful, and 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly wasteful, gluttonous, overindulging in gluttonous sins, and fails to stop sinning.
  7. How incapable would you say Andrew is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000? 0 meaning that he is not incapable at all and actually a genius and very smart, very rich and very successful, and 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly incapable at life and fails at everything in life.
  8. How bad is Andrew's memory? How bad would you say it is, on a scale of 0 to 600,000 (this is a speculative question)? 0 meaning that he is not forgetful at all and actually has a very great memory and remembers a ton, and 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly forgetful and he has infinite memory problems.
  9. How unhealthy is Andrew's diet and how often does he fail to eat healthy, on a scale of 0 to 600,000 (this is a speculative question)?
  10. Finally, how much does Andrew exercise, on a scale of 0 to 600,000, and how much does he fail to do exercise everyday (also a speculative question)? 0 meaning that he does massive amounts of weight training, running, stretches, cardio, and eats very healthy, does 40-60 minutes of it most days of the week, goes hiking, runs with his girlfriend at the beach, etc. 600,000 meaning he is immeasurably and boundlessly sedentary and he doesn't get any exercise at all. He is way too fat and way too overweight. He only gets negative minutes of exercise.

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