How Much Do You Know About Andrew?

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Andrew William Zhu, or Andrew Zhu, better and more commonly known as Andy or Andrew, is the secondary antagonist in Matt Olsson's TV show, "The Verse". He is one of the most cringiest and hated characters in fiction, literature, narratives, and stories abroad. He is the embodiment of disaster-causing, conflict-starting, problem-causing, trouble-causing tendencies and idiocies.

He is an extremely failing failure who doesn't know how to do anything right. He always fails to do the right thing and he has no skills, no talents, no common sense, no sense of humor, no sense of self, no sense of direction, and he does not have any sense of what to do in life.

Created by: yerlisarayim
  1. How idiotic is Andrew?
  2. How stupid is Andrew?
  3. How untalented is Andrew Zhu? Choose the best answer. We already know that he has no talents, but we should also consider HOW untalented he is.
  4. How cringe is Andrew?
  5. How ugly is Andrew?
  6. How weak is Andrew in combat?
  7. How incapable is Andrew in life? How unskilled is he? Is he ever going to survive?
  8. When was Andrew born?
  9. If Andrew was real and if you hypothetically encountered him, what would you do?
  10. Does Jesus love Andrew?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Andrew?
