Do you like Andrew at all? Not even a little?

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Andrew William Zhu, or Andrew Zhu, also known as Andy or Andrew, is a former supporting character turned secondary antagonist in Matt Olsson's 2024 TV show, "The Verse".

He is one of the most hated and most cringiest human beings in existence. He is hated everywhere. However, he is not as bad as Mel Grimson (he/him/his), however, Andrew is just horrible.

Created by: Ayso
  1. Do you like Andrew being an idiot?
  2. Do you like Andrew being an exceptionally cringe character?
  3. Do you appreciate that Andrew is nothing but a failure who can't do anything right?
  4. Do you prefer Andrew over other hated characters?
  5. Do you believe Andrew should suffer eternal damnation in hell with Satan?
  6. Do you think Andrew is a failure? Do you really consider him as one of the most immeasurably hated characters and one of the cringiest characters in all of fiction?
  7. Do you find Andrew relatable?
  8. Is it accurate to say that Andrew is nothing but an immeasurably failing failure who can't do anything right in life, no matter what he tries to do, he always fails? Or is it too far?
  9. How hated do you want Andrew to be? How much anger do you want people to express towards him?
  10. Finally, do you show sympathy for Andrew?

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Quiz topic: Do I like Andrew at all? Not even a little?
