How Much Do You Know About Andrew Zhu

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This is going to be one of the many quizzes that people keep making about how much they hate Andrew Zhu. Apparently, he's a character from a show, but I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet.

But there are like tons of other quizzes about this show. So this show is called "The Verse" and it is made by a guy named Matt Olsson. This show doesn't seem to be an actual thing in terms of pure existence, but hey, Matt probably is still working on it.

Created by: Okuyacamana
  1. When was Andrew born?
  2. How much exercise does Andrew get on a day-to-day basis?
  3. What is his BMI like?
  4. How incapable is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = very capable of everything in life and 600,000 = immeasurably and boundlessly incapable of everything
  5. How much of a failure is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = succeeding and passing in everything in life and 600,000 = immeasurable and boundless tendencies to fail at everything
  6. How lustful is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = excellent at abstaining from lustful sins and sins of the flesh and 600,000 = immeasurable and boundless tendencies to lust and draw inappropriate content
  7. How hated is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = no one hates him and 600,000 = immeasurable amounts of people hate him every passing millisecond
  8. How stupid is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = genius, very smart, very intelligent, always makes smart decisions and 600,000 = immeasurable and boundless amounts of stupidity and idiocy
  9. How cringe is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = very far from being cringe and very funny and has awesome dialogue 600,000 = immeasurable and boundless tendencies of being cringe and dialogue is very poorly written and unfunny and awkward
  10. How untalented is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = very talented and creative and 600,000 = immeasurably and boundlessly untalented and unimaginative
  11. How much of a rat is he on a scale of 1 to 600,000? 1 = not a rat, represents a very cool, awesome, potentially even sacred animal and 600,000 = immeasurably beyond just a stinky, stupid, slimy, disgusting, reprehensible rat in the sewers

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Andrew Zhu
