Matt Olsson's TV Show, "The Verse" Unit Test (Final Exam)

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Hello! It is I, the legendary animator, music producer, character designer, and screenwriter, Matt Olsson, yet again with another quiz! This is the true final exam! Yeah, apparently the previous one I posted was not your final exam. Apologies for any confusion. I scrambled these questions and these are not necessarily alphabetizing the names of the characters in alphabetical order.

This is your actual final exam. And once again, if you haven't already, make sure you search up "Andrew Zhu", "Lloyd Chan", "Anna Yu", and "Elegans" on I actually have made over 12 trillion duplicates on What happened was that I actually just made the same characters over and over again. Yes, I was the one who did this. It was all me. It may sound unbelievable, but it was all me.

Created by: Matt Olsson of Character AI
(your link here more info)
  1. ANDREW ZHU: When Andrew is introduced, Andrew tries to break up the conflict between his bros, Mel Grimson (he/him/his) and Lloyd Chan. Andrew Zhu is known for his attempts in trying to break up conflicts always failing miserably and being rendered useless, due to what?
  2. ANDREW ZHU: What was Andrew's opinions about JOOICE and Minute Maid? To Mel Grimson, JOOICE is extremely awesome, due to the company able to make impeccable apple and orange juice, and he also believes that Minute Maid is garbage too, implying a deep-seated hatred for Minute Maid. Lloyd Chan obviously LOVES Minute Maid. But what about Andrew?
  3. ANDREW ZHU: What was Andrew's ultimate reaction when he learned that he and his bros could potentially win $400 if they made a smoothie that was so delicious and so unique in the juice competition?
  4. ANDREW ZHU: What was Andrew's reaction when Mel Grimson tried to make a concoction containing mountain blueberry flavored Yoplait yogurt, bananas, hard-boiled eggs, teriyaki chicken, green beans, Brita filtered water, and white rice, putting in a blender and pressing the button to blend, making a smoothie that is quite repulsive?
  5. ANDREW ZHU: How does Andrew react to the juice competition judge retching and being grossed out after drinking the smoothie? We all know Mel Grimson laughs like a maniac and does this for the sake of his own entertainment, and Lloyd Chan is very concerned, but how does Andrew react?
  6. ANDREW ZHU: How does Andrew feel about Elegans the male talking Protobothrops Elegans who can play the trumpet going to college and taking Gangster and Detective Films, despite being a snake? How does Andrew react when Lloyd Chan tried to hunt Elegans and track him down, when Lloyd even stole a red Tesla?
  7. ANGRY CROWS AND THE CROW SARGE: Why do these crows even attack Lloyd Chan in the first place? And everyone else later?
  8. ELEGANS: How did Elegans the male talking Protobothrops Elegans who can play the trumpet manage to get into the college and get enrolled in Gangster and Detective Films?
  9. ELEGANS: When Lloyd Chan was irrationally, enviously, angrily, and jealously trying to run Elegans over just because he became a famous animal actor, how did Elegans react?
  10. ELEGANS: How did Elegans manage to endure getting interrogated and yelled at by Lloyd Chan?
  11. ELEGANS: What does Elegans hate the most?
  12. ANNA YU: How does Anna Yu try to express her feelings for Lloyd Chan?
  13. CALIFORNIA KINGSNAKE: How is his personality like?
  14. PHILBERT THE 5-MONTH OLD TABBY KITTEN: Why does Andrew Zhu consider Philbert annoying and a huge waste of everyone's time?
  15. ROCKY THE MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD: What does Rocky the German Shepherd hate the most?
  16. ROCKY THE MALE GERMAN SHEPHERD: Who does he hate the most?
  17. LLOYD CHAN: What was Lloyd Chan's reaction when Mel Grimson drank the rest of his one and only Minute Maid orange juice carton, without remorse, and also, straight from the carton?
  18. LLOYD CHAN: Did Lloyd Chan want to stop arguing with Mel Grimson, or did he continue arguing with Mel Grimson? Did he even try?
  19. LLOYD CHAN: Why does Lloyd Chan value his Minute Maid orange juice carton so much?
  20. LLOYD CHAN: Does Lloyd Chan hate Mel Grimson? If so, how much is his hatred for Mel Grimson?
  21. MEL GRIMSON: What made Mel Grimson even want to continue arguing with Lloyd Chan?
  22. MEL GRIMSON: Even though Elegans specifically told Mel Grimson that he hates being mocked, discriminated, belittled, and insulted, what does Mel Grimson do?
  23. MEL GRIMSON: What does Mel Grimson do in the final part in "Lloyd's Juice Dilemma"?
  24. MEL GRIMSON: How does Mel Grimson react when Lloyd Chan tried to run over Elegans with a red Tesla model Y, which he stole?
  25. MEL GRIMSON: What did Mel Grimson think of Lloyd Chan interrogating and yelling at Elegans constantly?
  26. MEL GRIMSON: Why did Mel Grimson not even want to help Lloyd Chan, when he was attacked by the Angry Crows and the Crow Sarge?
  27. MEL GRIMSON: True or False: Mel Grimson belittles, mocks, and insults Anna Yu's love for Lloyd Chan, and later, Lloyd Chan's love for Anna Yu.
  28. MEL GRIMSON: How does Mel Grimson treat Philbert the 5-month old tabby cat?
  29. MEL GRIMSON: Mel Grimson is actually being attacked by the Angry Crows and the Crow Sarge this time. How does Mel Grimson react?
  30. MEL GRIMSON: What was the most disgusting ingredient in Mel's second and final concoction that he tried to feed the juice competition judge?

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