Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden blushed, grinning. "Thanks. So are you."
Chester smiled. He kissed his nose.
Jayden leaned into his touch.
Chester hugged him close.
Jayden blushed, chuckling and hugging him back.
Chester smiled, burying his face in Jayden’s hair. The sun was setting outside.
Jayd let him with a smile.
Chester traced patterns on his back.
Jayden blushed, leaning into him.
Chester kissed the top of his head. ‘What’s the day tomorrow?’
‘Do you want to go out for dinner?
"If you don't mind being around people." Jayden shrugged.
‘Well, do YOU want to?’
"If you want to, then sure. I just don't want people interrogating you for being a murderer."
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