Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Yeah, that’s fair. We’ll go to one of those super fancy no camera places.’
Jayden nodded. "Sounds good."
Chester snuggled close.
Jayd held him close.
Chester kissed his jaw.
Jayden blushed, leaning into his touch.
Chester smiled.
Jayd smiled back.
Chester booped his nose. ‘It’s about dinner time.’
Jayden gave a small nod. "Okay." He didn't want to pull away, but he did to stand up.
Chester stood as well. He grabbed his top hat off the hook thing and put it on Jayden’s head, because that’s a cute boyfriend thing to do, and grabbed his hand.
The hat was a bit too big for Jayden's head. It went down just above his eyes.
Chester chuckled, walking to the door and tugging Jayden along.
Jayden chuckled. "Relax, I'm coming!"
(I'm gonna go for the night, cya) -
Chester kissed the back of his hand.
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