Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester leaned into his touch.
Jayden held him close.
Chester played with his hair. ‘Should I just tell everyone the truth?’
"Depends. How do you think they'll react?" Jayden tried not to think about the worst case scenario.
‘I don’t know,’ Chester mumbled. ‘I can lie and say a cleaner loosened it and I had nothing to do with it, and it was just a freak accident, but I don’t know if that’d be believable.’
"I think it's about as believable as the fact that you loosened a chandelier accidentally, but I'm also trying to be optimistic." Jayden shrugged.
Chester snuggled close. ‘Fair enough. How many people do you think will believe me over Astrid?’
Jayden paused. "A lot of people are biased to believe Astrid over you, and it'd make sense if you tried to lie to cover your tracks, but since Astrid wasn't there, he wouldn't know if you killed your parents or not, so that gives you a bit of an advantage."
‘We could get someone who was there as a witness, but I don’t want to bring Maeve into this. We could get Oliver to lie for us.’
Jayden nodded. "Would your parents be okay with you lying? It's their death, after all..."
‘I-I think… I don’t know,’ Chester sighed.
"Okay. We can ask them, if you want."
‘I don’t think I can emotionally handle seeing my dead parents twice in one day, but thanks.’
Jayden nodded. "Makes sense."
Chester snuggled closer to
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