Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden blushed, smiling.
Chester grinned.
Jayd chuckled.
Chester kissed his jaw. They got to the dining hall and Chester opened the door for him.
"Thanks." Jayden smiled, walking in.
Chester smiled back. Maeve and Lavender were sitting together, Oliver opposite them.
Jayden sat down across from Maeve.
Chester sat next to him.
Jayden grinned. Henry walked in.
Chester pulled Jayden closer. Maeve and Lavender stopped their quiet talking.
"Oh. The baker girl." Henry sat down. Jayden frowned, leaning into Chester.
‘And yet you wonder why you have no girlfriend,’ Maeve said.
Henry glared. "What are you talking about?"
‘Everybody hates you.’
"Not true."
"Very true." Jayden nodded.
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