Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Everyone at this table hates you,’ Maeve muttered.
‘Can confirm,’ Oliver said. -
Lavender gave a small nod. She'd heard some s--- about him.
Jayden chuckled. -
Chester glanced between them.
Henry glared. -
Lavender didn't look fazed, leaning into Maeve slightly.
Maeve held her close, glaring back at Henry. Their food came.
Jayden took his plate, glancing at the three of them.
Chester took his own and started eating.
Jayden did as well. Lavender took two plates and handed one to her girlfriend.
Maeve smiled and took it.
Lavender grinned, eating her food.
Maeve and Oliver started eating too.
Henry looked confused and very pissed off as he ate his food.
Maeve chuckled.
Jayden grinned. He leaned into Chester more.
Chester wrapped an arm around him.
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