Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden blushed, grinning.
Chester smiled.
Henry rolled his eyes.
Chester ignored him.
Jayden looked up, chuckled, and looked back at Chester.
Chester kissed the top of his head.
‘I should really bring Thomas over and act all lovey dovey at the dinner table with him,’ Oliver muttered. -
"You should." Jayden nodded.
‘He lives all the way in Evergreen, though,’ Oliver said.
(Evergreen is a region in like the north of the North Kingdom yes I made that up just then) -
"He could stay for a couple nights." Jayden shrugged.
(lmaooo go ahead) -
‘I guess.’
"Just an idea."
‘I’ll send him a letter later.’
Jayden smiled. "Sounds great."
Oliver gave a small smile and nodded
Henry glared. "You're all a bunch of f*gs." He muttered as he ate.
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