Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Thanks,’ Maeve said, finishing her food.
Jayden chuckled, looking at Chester.
Chester snuggled close to Jayden. Maeve and Lavender disappeared.
Jayden noticed, smiled, and put his focus back on Chester, patting his head.
Chester leaned into his touch. Oliver pat Chester’s head and stood. ‘I should get going too. Cya.’
"Bye!" Jayden waved.
Oliver left. Chester snuggled close to Jayden.
Jayden held him close, grinning.
Chester mewed.
Jayd pat his head. "Do you want to go back to your room?"
Chester mewed in response.
"Hi five me if you want to go back to your room." Jayden held up his hand.
Chester head butted his hand.
Jayden smiled, picking him up and walking out of the room.
Chester nestled into his arms.
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