Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"I know." Jayden mumbled. "I'm sorry."
‘Hey, stop saying sorry. You don’t have anything to be sorry for.’ Chester kissed his cheek, pulling him close. ‘Do you want to be apart of the press conference tomorrow?’
I have everything to be sorry for. Jayden shook his head slightly. "Not unless you want me there."
‘It’s your choice.’
"Then no."
‘Alright.’ Chester played with his hair.
Jayden leaned into his touch.
Chester kissed his forehead. ‘Can you help me figure out what I’m going to say tomorrow?’
"Of course." Jayden nodded, looking down. "Are you planning on denying the whole thing?"
‘I don’t know,’ Chester said quietly, resting his head on Jayden’s shoulder.
Jayden held him close. "Okay."
Chester pulled him closer. ‘I don’t want to do the things Cleverly suggested.’
Maybe you should. Jayden thought for a moment before shoving the thought far, far away. He didn't want Chester to leave him.
‘We can probably say we’ve broken up and stay together in secret,’ Chester said. ‘But visits would be suspicious. Dates would be very suspicious.’
Jayden nodded, staying quiet.
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