Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Chester let him. There was a knock at the door.
Jayden frowned, sitting up. "Come in."
Chester nestled closer.
The door opened and Cleverly stepped inside. He glanced down at the bunny. ‘I presume that’s Chester?’ -
Jayden nodded. He slowly pulled Chester off of him since he thought Cleverly would want to talk to him.
Chester let him, morphing into cat, then a phoenix.
Cleverly arched an eyebrow. ‘There’s a letter for you.’ He set the envelope on the bed in front of him. -
Jayden passed it to Chester, hoping it wouldn't catch on fire.
Chester morphed back into a human. He shifted a little, not able to get comfortable. He took the letter and opened it. He skimmed through it. ‘Oh, s---.’
Jayden looked at him. "What's it about?"
Chester handed it to him. ‘Caden. He gave an address about the rumours yesterday.’ He morphed into a cat.
Jayden didn't bother asking how bad Cadens' response was. He pat his boyfriends head.
Chester nestled close. Cleverly leaned against the wall. ‘Your good reputation is diminishing, sire.’
Jayden looked down. It was his families fault that Chester was getting in trouble for all of this now.
Chester mewed.
Cleverly exhaled sharply. ‘Now you see how spending so much time in Celeste’s kingdom was a bad idea, right? You’ve made enemies out of his entire family, plus most of yours.’ -
"My name is Jayden." He said quietly, pulling his knees up to his chest.
Chester morphed back into a human.
‘There are at least 5 very powerful people who wish to see your downfall! Other world leaders are looking down on you! The king of England, the leader of your sister’s girlfriend’s home, said your ruling is a disaster waiting to happen!’
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