Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden tried to stay calm. His boyfriend could go to jail, his family would be happy about it, and there was hardly anything he could do about it because he can't fight the law without getting in trouble and forfeiting his own kingdom instead. Your boyfriend could go to jail, and you're thinking about your goddamn kingdom?!
Chester was silent, looking down at his hands.
‘You’ve risked everything, and for what?! A boyfriend?! We both know your condition is worsening, you could end up in prison, and you’ve fallen behind on work! Not to mention your mental health, which your doctor is very worried about!’ Cleverly exclaimed.
‘I don’t need you berating me like I’m a child.’
‘Who else will?!’ -
"He's already berating himself." Jayden mumbled.
Cleverly rubbed his temples. ‘None of this would’ve happened if you’d been more responsible and not acted on your foolish feelings! You can’t keep pretending everything will work out! Either you end up in prison and Maeve has to take over, or you’re forced into resigning by the kingdom who now hates you!’
Jayden buried his head in his hands. He was the reason any of this ever happened. It may have been a domino effect, but he was the first domino.
Chester remained quiet.
‘Tell me, sire, was this worth it?’ Cleverly snapped.
Chester exhaled slowly. ‘Cleverly, this isn’t Jayden’s fault. Nor is it mine. I-It just happened. Perhaps I’m not fit to be in this power, but I’m not going to make my sister take it. We-We’ll address the kingdom, hold a press conference, try to get the rumours to stop.’
‘You seriously think that will be enough?’
‘What else do you suppose we do, Cleverly? If you can’t think of a solution, you have no right to be yelling at me like this.’ -
Jayden tried to think if there was a way for Chester to hand the kingdom to him, since he was an experienced ruler and probably the better choice than a teenager before remembering that would f--- Chester up, especially since who knows what Caden would do with all of that land and economic growth.
Cleverly glanced at Jayden, then back at Chester. ‘May I speak freely?’
Chester exhaled sharply. It had to be bad for him to ask something like that. ‘Very well.’
‘Say you’ve broken up with Jayden. Say you’ve come to your senses and now know homosexuality is wrong. Address the rumours about you killing your parents, and deny the hell out of it. Make up a plausible story of how they died.’ -
Jayden's hands clenched to fists. Chester had every right to break up with him. All Jayden ever did was make him feel like he was doing something wrong and make both of their families hate him.
‘Say your relationship with Celeste was just an experiment. You never really loved him.’
‘Cleverly, I’m not going down in history as the man who played with another’s feelings for the sake of an experiment.’
‘Do you want to stay king or not?’ -
Jayden pulled his hands away from his face, looking up at Cleverly in confusion. "W-what's that supposed to mean?"
‘Most of the kingdom hates you, Chester. It wouldn’t be wise - or safe, for that matter - to keep ruling without addressing this. You could get hate crimed, or worse!’
Jayden glared when he got ignored, and buried his face in his hands again, as if not being able to see Cleverly would make everything he says untrue, even though he knew it was.
Chester stared at his hands. He didn’t know what to do. He eventually exhaled slowly. ‘Schedule a press conference for tomorrow. I’ll sort this out.’
Cleverly glared. He turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him. -
Jayd didn't move his hands away from his face. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.
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