Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden kissed the top of his head, scratching behind his ears after.
Chester mewed happily.
Jayden grinned.
Chester morphed into a phoenix, then a bunny, figuring Jayden wouldn’t like cuddling with a bird.
Jayden wouldn't have minded much, though he admittedly did like the fuzzy fluffy animals best because of course he does. He smiled.
Chester snuggled close.
Jayden let him, patting his head.
Chester nestled close.
Jayden grinned.
Chester looked up at him.
Jayden smiled. "Hi."
Chester kept looking at him.
Jayden booped his nose.
Chester let him, very happy about it. He snuggled close.
Jayd let him with a smile, petting his ears.
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