Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Collins smiled, chuckling quietly. ‘Good. I’ll see you tomorrow, then?’
"see you tomorrow Collins!" Florence said excitedly. He flapped his wings and started to hover just above the ground.
Collins chuckled and waved. She looked up at him as he hovered off the ground, then started walking down the street.
Florence hovered for awhile before flying up high. He was just high enough to be mistaken for a hawk and low enough to not be hit by commercial flights.
Collins walked home. Her aunt and uncle were coming to her house, so she had to have a family dinner with them. She hated family dinners. They’d always make comments about her academics or appearance, or even worse, her mental health.
Florence flapped his wings, feeling the warm breeze from the updraft. He glided, feeling the slightly cooler breeze propelling him forward. It was calm, peaceful.
Collins changed into a cleaner outfit and waited for her extended family to arrive. As she waited, she hopped on her computer and looked up the name of the creator.
Florence loved flying he did a loud flamingo call. He crossed his arms and twisted through the skies.
She didn’t find anything good, or related to Florence. It seemed that most didn’t even realise what was happening in that hospital. She closed her computer and had to greet her aunt and uncle. After a long dinner, she retreated back to her room, and crashed on her bed.
Florence landed at the hospital. He wasn't quite tired yet. He crawled through the window and peered through the door to the hallway. It was dark and dusty like he remembered. The paint was more flaky then he realized.
Collins grew bored and grabbed out her phone. She found nothing interesting and changed into her pyjamas, deciding to go to bed early.
Florence creeped through the dark hallway, avoiding shards of glass by walking unevenly as he usually did. Florence heard something in the dark. Not much of a concern. They were both in the dark halls. Small red eyes occasionally appear in the dark
Collins crashed on her bed and pulled the covers over her head, dimming the lights.
Florence walked further through the halls in dead silence. It was important to be quiet when you couldn't see. Who knows what could be in the halls.
Collins rubbed her face with her hands. She didn’t get much sleep, so just lay in bed, consumed by her thoughts.
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