Thread Topic: DROOGAN
Porak put a gentler expression on his face.
"No, no. It isn't your fault. It's mine for eating the noodle." He said. -
"You didn't know there was garlic in it," Cassie said. She took the plate away from him. "I should have remembered."
"I should've at least assumed there was considering spaghetti always has garlic in it.ā Porak moaned.
"You said you were allergic...are you going to have a reaction?" Cassandra asked as she began scooping the spaghetti into containers.
"I don't know, will I?ā Porak muttered, staring daggers at Cassie.
"Well I don't know how food allergies work," Cassie said. "I don't know if since you just spit it out you'll be fine, or if just smelling it will do something, I just don't know how they work."
"Maybe they cause a rash or swelling.ā Porak said.
"Hopefully nothing will happen," she said as she put the spaghetti into the fridge.
"Something probably will.ā Porak huffed.
"Well then what do we do?" she asked, turning to Porak.
"I dunno. Cuddle I guess?"
Of course, it was a joke, but the way Porak said it made it seem like it wasn't. -
Cassie looked at him with a strange look.
"No." -
"Chill, it was a joke." Porak chuckled, lifting up his hands. -
Cassie rolled her eyes then sat down next to him at the table.
"I'm not opposed to that idea though. The allergies are a big ouch.ā Porak muttered under his breath.
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