1x1: Starstruck
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: 1x1: Starstruck
"Um...both?" He chuckled nervously again, grip on the handle of his black duffel bag tightening just slightly. Alex seemed perfectly at ease here, walking through the enourmous lobby into the equally oversized elevator as if they were both nothing. Evan bit his lip and followed him closely, hoping he wouldn't be too out of place among the rest of the tour.
When breakfast was brought up again he blushed, embarrassed at being caught twice with his thoughts elsewhere. "Whatever they have is fine, I'm not picky," he answered quickly, smiling slightly. -
He seemed much more in his element in the hotel than at his concert the night before. Evan, on the other hand, seemed to be the exact opposite. "Simple stuff. Background check, which I assume you've had recently anyway... An interview or two... You brought your passport, right?" He stopped, pointed out his door, then headed to the next one over. "This is yours. And do you mind if we just order room service? I'm really not in the mood to go somewhere this morning."
"Passport, uh, passport, yeah, yeah I have mine." Evan nodded blankly again, willing to go along with whatever Alex had in mind. "Yeah, room service is fine. So, uh, what exactly will this job have me doing?" For the first time since his arrival at the hotel, all his attention was on the blonde. A small smirk played on his lips and he stepped a little closer. "If it's anything like what we discussed last night then I think I'm going to like it." He grinned, hoping again that he wouldn't make Alex nervous or uncomfortable. But he wasn't too worried, the singer seemed a thousand times more relaxed without screaming fans and angry managers surrounding him.
"Well," he said, grinning as he pulled the boy into his room by the hand, "there really isn't a job description. I... it's a role I made up when they tried to make me do this tour, so that I didn't have to go alone. As long as I'm on this tour, I get to bring someone else with me. I... it's mainly due to, well, you saw me last night. Concerts are a lot easier when you have someone backstage waiting for you. But," he paused again, this time giving the other a wink, "I'm definitely open to you doing that. Not in the job description, but it's definitely welcome."
Alex walked over and picked up the little book by the phone, sitting down with it on the bed and gesturing for Evan to join him. Ugh, he'd forgotten to make his bed. Again. Hopefully the other didn't think he was a slob. -
Evan blushed lightly, raising his eyebrows but certainly not arguing when Alex grabbed his hand. He grinned, glad that the other didn't shy away from the topic, in fact he'd reacted the opposite way. Evan smirked as they sat down on the bed. "You'd better not be joking, you're tempting me already," he chuckled, snaking an arm around the other's waist and glancing down at the little book he'd grabbed. "What's this?"
"Uhhhhh," his voice quivered a little, surprised at the sudden physical contact. "The room service menu should be in there. I think there's also a list of restaurants, if you change your mind." He couldn't help leaning into the other; their current positioning made it the most comfortable way to sit. He had to admit, Evan's forwardness was a little much for him. But up until this point, he'd figured he was joking. This might be a little fast
since we're only six pages in gdi lucky wait until something big happens. -
sorry sorry
Evan chuckled again, but he could tell that the other was growing nervous, so he backed off, leaving his arm loosely around the other but not making any move to take it further. He quickly scanned the menu, shrugging. "Pancakes sounds good, although syrup might get messy," he mused, pushing at the bridge of his nose by habit, where his glasses usually sat. He'd traded them for his contacts for now, so he wouldn't have to worry about them. -
"Yeah, good point. Not like we can't clean up at all, though," he replied, scanning the menu. He was thankful for the other boy letting go of him, mainly because he still needed some personal space. He liked Evan a lot so far, but they hardly knew each other. He and Claire had rushed into their relationship, not even giving themselves time to become friends first. Alex didn't want another ending like the one he'd just experienced. -
yoo hi how are you?
Evan pursed his lip, biting the bottom one by habit as he scanned over the words, all typed in a curly, swooping font that was actually sort of hard to read.
"Hm, what about omelettes? Less messy," he suggested with a small shrug. "I don't want to look too bad for my interviews," he said with a slight chuckle, though in all honesty he was sort of nervous about the whole thing. He kept thinking back to last night, when he'd realized he wanted more than a quick f--- from Alex. Was a relatiobship with the singer even a possibility? He glanced at him for a moment, still nibbling his bottom lip. -
memey. i drove more than either of my parents did this weekend? why is that?? also how dare u evan. just a quick... wow not only is my small nerd marriage material but he is endurance. nothing about that f--- would be quick
"Sure. I think I've decided which one I want, what about you? I'll order," he said, getting up and heading over to the hotel phone. "And don't worry about the interviews. Really, they're just making sure you aren't a creep or something. I already know you're the right guy for the job." Alex gave him a smile that could be interpreted as flirty, his gaze lingering as he realized how attractive the other looked as he bit his lower lip. Probably wasn't the intended goal, nor was it the conventional attractive lip biting, but there was definitely potential. He realized he was staring and looked down at the phone, pretending to read the little card next to it. -
ahh sorry fell asleep
wow marriage and I'm moving too fast
but endurance is always good
When their eyes met for a moment Evan could feel himself blushing lightly and quickly glanced back down at the menu. Flirty he could do, it was the more serious or romantic stuff he'd always had a problem with. Like noticing the adorable way Alex's lips twitched into small smile. "Uh, I think I'll have the ham one," he said, doing his best not to sound too spaced out. He grinned, relaxing slightly at the other's words. "I hope you're right. Although I dunno, will I start getting death threats from every teenage girl in America? Maybe I should rethink taking the job.." he joked, laughing softly. -
just saying man
"Either that or way too intense shippers," he replied, picking up the phone and dialing the necessary number. He placed their orders, adding on a coffee for himself and looking at the other as if asking if he wanted anything. Finished, he hung up and looked over at his assistant-to-be once again. "Speaking of which... do you use Twitter? If not, you probably should. So that they like you more and don't send you death threats." The end part was mostly teasing, but had some seriousness to it. Getting to know Alex's fanbase was the best way to be seen as friendly. -
I was only kidding ^^
how was your day? you said you drove a lot yesterday, are you home from your family thing?
Evan chuckled at the mention of being shipped, mostly because he wouldn't mind that at all. He perked up quite a bit at the mention of coffee, nodding eagerly in hopes of getting Alex to order him a cup as well. He hadn't had time to make any that morning, and he had a feeling his lack of focus was due to his lack of caffeine. He yawned and flopped back onto the bed, grinning. "Yeah, I have a twitter. Hey, do you think we'll get any fanart?" he asked, smiling. -
yeah i've been home for a week or so, but then i went to do something with the other half of my family. mom's side had at least 20 people there, dad's had 5. pretty small group. also hey do you have wattpad?
"I... no idea, actually. The awful fanart's the best, though." He retrieved his phone as he sat back down and navigated to Twitter, handing it to the other boy so that he could follow him. Alex glanced at him, immediately noticing that his shirt had slid up a bit as he fell back. His eyes lingered on the small trail of dark hair leading down into his pants, then glanced back up to his face immediately. Was he really that...? Friendship first, he reminded himself.
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