1x1: Starstruck
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: 1x1: Starstruck
I can definitely start but... where do we wanna be? Because I can't imagine your character would be at one of his concerts.
wait no can i make his name alex yes it's alex now
... and hold you in my arms, tonight... he sang, trailing off as he finished the acoustic version of their favorite song on the album. While it hadn't been one of the many to make top ten, it was definitely his fandom's favorite, and it was clear that they'd all been looking forward to it tonight. Alex could tell they were clinging to every word, every note, as he leaned away from the microphone. He let out a breath, seemingly relieved that the song was over. He swung his guitar to the side a bit, thankful for the strap, then stood from the stool that had been placed on the stage specifically for that song. As the crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheering, he bowed and waved, tossed his pick out into the audience.
It, like every other one he'd done this with, looked almost exactly like the one the fandom knew he considered lucky. What they didn't know, however, was that the lucky pick rested in his pocket, taped back together after snapping in two. He could practically feel the tension grow as they watched it fly out, a small fight breaking out as it got close enough to be caught. He walked off stage before the winner could be declared, his hand sliding into his pocket so that his fingers could curl around the taped-up triangle.
His manager hunted him down as soon as he was safely backstage, the comfortable weight of the guitar no longer at his left side. She beamed at him, clutching a tablet which she was rapidly typing into with a stylus. "Great show, Alex. You were fantastic. They love you." Her false smile remained on her face until she walked away, heading off to look at ticket sales or something. He sat down and watched stage crew walk past, wondering where the appeal in this was. Other people seemed to like it, why didn't he? -
Evan sighed as a fresh wave of screams erupted from the stage, some chanting the singer's name and others simply howling in hopes of catching his attention. Stage lights flashed and dimmed, signaling that the concert was finally over. He thought the whole thing was stupid. Why were so many people willing to drop hundreds of dollars just to stand near another human being? Evan sighed a second time, leaning back against the wall of the building he was standing beside, the dressing room or something. It had been clearly marked off, but it was the safest way for him to avoid getting surrounded by drunk fans or trampled by screaming freshman girls.
He checked his phone again; nothing. His friends had promised to text him when it ended so he could drive them home, but he hadn't heard anything yet. He was tempted to leave, and save what was left of his hearing, but he knew if he did he'd never hear the end of it. So he tucked his phone back into his pocket and crossed his arms, trying to get that last obnoxiously catchy song out of his head. -
He eventually noticed he was pretty sweaty. His clothes didn't show it, but they definitely smelled like it-- and he could feel a bead or two at rest on his forehead. Even when he tried to stay as hydrated as possible, there was no solution to the heat of stage lights. He needed to change, then get back to the hotel for a shower as soon as possible. He stood again and left, heading through the oddly illuminated backstage space until he reached an exit.
Fortunately, this space had been blocked off-- mostly. A few girls in their early teens, excited from the hype of the musician and from staying up later than they probably ever had before, rushed over to him, screaming in amazement. "I got your pick!" one shouted, stopping in front of him, her breath coming out in short, excited pants. She held up the small piece of plastic. "Security said... that you-- that I got to-- pecause of the bick... oh my god," she shoved a pen into his hand and turned around, obviously expecting him to sign the shirt she was wearing. It listed the tour dates and, when he pushed aside her long, overly straightened brown hair, had a perfect spot for him to sign. He went through a similar routine with the other girls, eventually managing to pry them off of him to change.
Alex practically ran to the dressing room, tugging his shirt off as he went. He'd do anything for a few moments of peace and quiet. Seeing nothing of concern outside, he walked in with the shirt balled up in his hands. -
"EvanEvanEvanohmygodEvan!" He glanced up at the sudden ungodly high-pitched screeching of his name, only to be tackled by his friend Amanda. Her other friend and boyfriend weren't far behind, and they were all squealing in a way that made his head pound. He groaned, shrugging her off and raising an eyebrow. No words were needed, Amanda would've started explaining even if he'd walked off. "Okay, okayokay, so I was standing there, screaming, and then Alex looked over so I help up my sign-" She paused to gesture to a seizure-inducing, glitter coated sign that read 'I heart U ALEX' in big letters. "And I swear, I totally swear, he looked right at me! Oh my god!" She ended with a weird little shimmy before suddenly sobering, smiling apologetically at him. "..Sorry, I know you don't like him, you don't wanna listen to this...so I got us another ride home! That way we can fangirl without annoying you!" She giggled, giving him a quick hug before the trio skipped off, huddled together and laughing like a bunch of sugar-high middle schoolers.
"Oh, f---," Evan groaned, rubbing his hands tiredly over his face. Two hours of excruciatingly loud crowds and annoying music just to give his friends a ride home, and they'd ditched him. He cursed a few more times, and considered kicking an empty beer can on the ground, but just as he was lowering his hands and raising his foot, another figure stepped into view. Evan froze, his eyes wide in surprise. The reason he'd stood out here and wasted his Friday night was standing in front of him. Shirtless. -
Three things had happened in the past few minutes. At least, he assumed that they were minutes. Really, they felt like hours.
1. Alex had walked into the dressing room and grabbed a change of clothes, then walked over to the seemingly empty space, which, to his surprise, was closed. He opened the curtain, and--
2. found his girlfriend and drummer. Together, up against the wall. Doing something that he'd rejected every time she tried to initiate it. Now he knew why she didn't seem so disappointed after a while. He dropped the clothes and turned, leaving. As he left the curtained space and walked across the dressing room--
3. Emotion towards her suddenly erupted from within him. Except, it wasn't what he expected to feel. Instead of happiness or passion or desire, he felt absolute loathing. The boy was bubbling with complete and utter hatred toward this girl, for lying to him, for using him, and now, for not even having the decency to come after him and explain.
Alex emerged from the dressing room building, stepping out into the night air. He looked around, trying to figure out what to do, but froze as soon as his eyes landed on... another fan? He didn't look like a fan. He looked just as angry as the musician felt. It didn't matter, he really wasn't in the mood to deal with him. "I don't care who you are. I'll sign whatever, but make it quick and get out of here or I'll call security on you." His arms crossed, mainly due to the chill of the breeze. -
Evan blinked, wondering for a moment if his angry mind was helpfully supplying a target for him to kick the dented bud light can at, but after a moment he realized that Alex Corr, internationally famous heartthrob, really was standing in front of him, half undressed. When the blonde snapped at him, Evan glared, scoffing. "Trust me, I'm not interested in your signature," he muttered. He was fully prepared to tell the guy off for being such a stuck up tool, but upon further inspection he realized that he looked sort of ditracted. Amanda was always going on about how sweet he was in interviews and things, so maybe he was just having a rough night. He sighed tiredly, running a hand through his hair and deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Hey, are you okay? I doubt you'd need security, you look ready to take me out yourself." he said, his scowl softening ever so slightly.
Wow, really? He was really going to be that rude to him? Sure, maybe Alex had seemed cocky, but people usually didn't sneak into restricted areas unless they were his fans. Besides, he was expected to act arrogant. Just as he was about to shout for security, the other boy's words stopped him. "I... uh, no, not really. I mean I knew that this was going to, but... Wait, why are you back here? You shouldn't be here. Unless you work at this... place, which I'm guessing you don't."
"I'm hiding," he said with a snort, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I assume you understand, but it's like a warzone out there. I can only stand so much screaming," he explained, shrugging and tilting his head, abruptly realizing that Alex had just said he wasn't alright and he'd talked right over him. Evan didn't care much for the probably spoiled, definitely rich star, but he wasn't rude either. "Uh...you were saying? I might not be your biggest fan, but that doesn't make me heartless." He leaned back against the wall, gesturing for the other boy to go on.
He watched as the guy leaned against the wall, not following his example. It'd be freezing, and he really didn't want to go back into the dressing room to deal with either person. He hoped they'd finish up soon so that he could talk to her. Then again, he needed the time to find the right words for his girlfriend. Ex girlfriend.
"Yeah, I do understand. I'm not as... into the entire thing as I look. It's so overwhelming. And so many of them think I'm someone I'm not. Or that because I... I don't know, glanced at them? They suddenly think I'll remember them forever. Or that we're made to be, or something. I know that it's part of the career, and part of why I'm as successful as I am, but why are there so many twelve year olds who know more about me than I do? It's a little creepy and I..." he trailed off, realizing that it probably sounded like that was his reason for being so angry. Alex sighed. "I... uh... my ex, who I brought on the tour with me, is having sex in my dressing room with my drummer. I knew it was happening, and it's not like we were really... but she could've just broken up with me or something."
The boy decided that he needed something on his upper half. With a jealous glance at the other's jacket, he explained that he was going to go grab a shirt. -
Evan listened in silence, surprised at how much he said so suddenly. Obviously the other boy was in desperate need of some sort of outlet, if he was so willing to admit to a total stranger that he disliked being a singer, or maybe more like he disliked being famous. And then the ex thing...ouch. Even Evan felt a little bad for him then.
He opened his mouth to offer some sympathy, only to him turn away, explaining that he need a shirt. "s---, you're right, you must be freezing- hey, hold on," he tugged his jacket off (a nice leather one, it had been expensive but worth it) and tossed it over to him. "You can borrow that." Even though you've probably got a hundred just like it. He thought a little bitterly. But he didn't add that out loud, he was obviously stressed enough already. -
"Uh... thanks," he replied, putting on the jacket. It was already warm from the other wearing it, and part of him, though he wasn't exactly sure why, already felt much better. Alex eventually joined him against the wall and sighed, staring out at the night. He couldn't remember exactly what city they were in, but it was still big enough that only a star or two could be seen through light pollution. "Wait, you already told me that you're hiding, but why are you here? I mean, if you have no interest in me, and you don't work here, there really isn't any point in being here tonight, is there? Sorry, that sounds conceited; it wasn't meant to be."
Evan frowned, shrugging. It did sound a bit conceited, but the apology caught him off guard. It was seeming more and more like this guy just needed a hug, maybe a friend. "Some friends of mine needed a ride here and home, but they ditched me on the way back. I'm just waiting for all the traffic to clear out so I can go home." he explained quietly, looking over at him and holding out a hand, realizing he still hadn't introduced himself. "I'm Evan by the way, Evan Parell. And uh, sorry about your ex, man, that really sucks." He flashed him a quick grin. "There's a reason I go for guys. More reliable." He admitted to himself that this was more of a test. If Alex was okay with him being gay, then he wasn't as bad a person as he'd originally thought.
how does one write like a boy talks
i've purged the boys from my life what is this do you just... say dude and bro all the time
The singer gave him a sympathetic look. "That's awful. You had friends that came to this concert? Sorry for sounding conceited again, but they're gonna be so jealous." He was trying to figure out what to say next when the other boy extended his hand. He took it, shaking it. That was what he was supposed to do, right? It felt so weird to be out here, alone with --oh, his name was Evan-- and completely free of anyone else's influence. He didn't have to focus on making himself look good, or on saying the right thing, or making his manager happy... it was really relaxing. Just as he was starting to feel calm, he was caught on the other's last sentence.
Alex looked over at Evan, then rolled his eyes. "Ugh, tell me about it. The main reason I was dating her was the publicity, and it really does help to appear straight when your fanbase is almost entirely female. It does still hurt a bit, though."
Oh s---. Did he really just come out to a complete stranger? He'd been hiding himself for years! Worry took over as he realized how big of a mistake he'd just made.
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