1x1: Starstruck
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: 1x1: Starstruck
Evan had to grin a little at that, unable to resist sending back something suggestive. Oh yeah, maybe I should stay home. I doubt your bodyguards would let me sleep with you ;D He hoped the winking face wouldn't be too cheesy, but it seemed like Alex could use some less serious stuff in his life. He wondered again what his life was really like offstage as he stripped down to boxers and hopped into bed, phone still in hand in case Alex answered.
It struck him then that he would know what Alex's life was like tomorrow morning. He'd get to know what he was really like, and that kind of excited him. It would give him a chance to hopefully give the poor guy some sense of normalcy, some reassurance. Evan wondered, would Alex tell his fans about him? What would they think? Amanda was big on shipping gay celebrity couples, always talking about Larry or something, what if that happened to them? Evan chuckled a little, having his own fanart would be cool... -
my grandma is trying to give everyone money holy s---
He was drying off as the phone vibrated, and glanced over at the phone before bursting into laughter. Alex tried to decide what to respond with as he walked into the main part of the hotel room, his towel wrapped around his waist. He paused, finally deciding on a response. Yeah, that's probably for the best. We'd keep everyone up with us. But if we could find somewhere a little... quieter, maybe. ;) He paused before pressing send, wondering if it was too forward. Content with his message, he sent it and got dressed, heading back to blogging on his bed. -
Evan chuckled, his phone screen illuminating the small, dark room. Don't tease me, ur cute BD He sent back, determined not to back down from this little joke. Besides, it wasn't like he was lying. Alex was pretty cute in generally, but even more so when he let his guard down and relaxed. If Evan had to tour with anyone, he was glad it was him. Even if Alex would've been his last choice 24 hours ago.
Alex sighed and laughed a bit, feeling a faint red creep onto his cheeks. Stop, I can already hear the fangirls. I've had enough bad fanfics written about me, he replied. While he could see the two of them being... something, he really didn't want to encourage it at the moment. He knew Evan probably wouldn't respond well to the negativity fans brought to their faves' relationships. The singer knew without a doubt that fans even shipping them could lead to anger or obsession.
Evan rolled over onto his stomach and chuckled at the screen, wishing Alex were with him. Texting was fun, but flirting was so much easier when winking and smiling were options. Who says the fangirls have to know? It can be our little secret ;) He just hoped he wasn't being too forward. Claire was gone so he wasn't worried about him dating someone else, but he kept thinking that he seemed awfully sensitive. He didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
wow hello friend
Oh god, he was so forward with things. And so confident, too. Alex wasn't even sure if the other was serious, but he definitely felt like he was at the moment. Maybe he'd regret it later, but he was about to test just how forward he could get. Trust me, they'll know. If I start thinking about you during my next concert... there are definitely harder things than figuring that out. Ugh, he really needed to figure out how to actually... text like a normal human being. -
hi ^^ sorry, I'm away rn but I'll be home Saturday, unless we stay longer, we might :c sorry about this, I'll be kinda on and off )
Aw that would be cute though, don't you want to hold me in your arms tonight? He asked, quoting one of the few of Alex's songs he knew. He was certainly making flirting harder than it should be, but hopefully that would do it. -
actually that was s---ty n short lemme redo that ^^;
Aw, that would be so cute though, don't you want to hold me in your arms tonight? He sort of surprised himself when he typed that. He only knew Alex's music because it was constantly on the radio, he had never made a point of memorizing lyrics. But maybe that wasn't a bad thing... If Alex thought Evan knew his songs- or at least, one line of one song- then he might like him better. And if Alex liked Evan better he'd be more willing to flirt with him, and flirting with cute boys was always fun. But the weird thing was, he wasn't so sure he just wanted flirting. He didn't just want a fun date or quick sex out of it, he wanted to know Alex, and that sort of scared him. Still, he couldn't back off now. He bit his lip and hit send. -
Alex rolled his eyes. Really? It was kind of funny, but Evan had no idea how annoying it was for the musician's songs to be quoted at him all the time. He considered calling it a night at that, but something pulled him back to his phone. I didn't actually write that. But I'm sure some time with you would give me plenty to write about. ;) He pressed send before he could stop to think about it. The singer needed the next morning to arrive as soon as possible, so he sent a short, flirty goodnight text before plugging in his phone and crawling into bed.
Evan actually laughed at that, hoping the sound didn't carry through the thin walls. He was giving Evan a perfect opportunity, and he couldn't resist. Ohhhh yeah, your next hit will be called "hard and deep" ;D He snickered to himself as he typed it, hoping Alex didn't mind a bit of crude humor, but he wasn't too worried, he'd seemed pretty easy going (except for his whole tough guy act when he was actually just a really sweet kid). Seriously tho, excited for tomorrow. Good night Alex.
His sleep was troubled and inconsistent, proving his earlier thoughts wrong. At about 3 AM, he got up and walked around the fourth floor for a while, eventually returning to more sleeplessness. He eventually fell asleep at about 6 AM, and was woken up at 7:15.
The boy got dressed and was quickly hunted down by his manager, who discussed the day's plans with him. Eventually she got to the subject of Evan, obviously hoping that he'd changed his mind. Being reminded of his new assistant gave him a sort of energy, and he eagerly hurried down to the lobby to wait, much to the security guards' dismay. He sat on one of the couches eagerly, watching the glass doors on the other side of the room. A few people who were checking in and out asked for his autograph during that time. -
Evan slept like a rock until about seven o'clock, when his screeching alarm finally managed to rouse him. He sat up, blearily remembering the previous night, then glancing at the clock with a curse and jumped out of bed.
He quickly showered and dressed, hugging a hungover mother and a surprisingly emotional David goodbye. Before he knew it, he was stepping through sliding glass doors, greeted by an elaborately decorated lobby and the same angry buff guys from last night. -
Alex stood and started across the room as soon as he saw Evan enter the room. "Hey!" he said excitedly, his voice loud enough to get an annoyed glare from a man complaining at the front desk, drowsy-eyed and in a thick bathrobe.
He turned back to the other boy, obviously a bit embarrassed. He stared for a moment before remembering the ID card in his pocket, which he retrieved for him. "Have you had breakfast yet? I just realized I'm starving," he asked, realizing he had no idea what he was doing. -
Evan grinned, relieved to see a familiar and friendly face as Alex greeted him. "Hey, good morning." He was still a little in awe of the glamorous hotel, and shook his head absently when asked about breakfast, quietly admiring the marble front desk and gold designs on the walls. "Damn," he murmured under his breath, before blinking and focusing again, laughing sheepishly. "Sorry, yeah, breakfast would be great. So, uh, do you know exactly what I'll be doing yet?" He asked, taking the ID card and smirking at the picture he'd sent last night.
"To get the job or... once you have the job?" he asked, leading him over to the elevator. It was adorable how impressed he was by the hotel. At this point, Alex rarely found himself amazed by anywhere they traveled or stayed. But from the other's perspective, the singer slowly started to see that the lobby really was magnificent. Maybe traveling with him would change his view.
As they got in the elevator, the singer glanced down at Evan's bag. "Good, you brought your stuff," he said, knowing that the room right next to his was for the taking. He smiled a bit, heading out into the hallway with him as soon as the doors opened. "Anything sound good to you? It doesn't matter to me what we have."
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