1x1: Starstruck
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: 1x1: Starstruck
Pretty small? Do you have big family then?
ohoho alex
no wattpad, sorry :c why do you ask?
Evan, who was busy with Alex's phone, didn't notice the other's quick glance, nor did he notice the way his shirt had slid up. He pulled up his twitter, which he reminded himself to start using more, it had been almost a week. Maybe he'd just put up a picture of he and Alex, the reactions would certainly be entertaining. Especially Amanda's. He snickered and sat up, handing the phone back to its rightful owner. "There you go." -
er i've got maybe ten more on my mom's side? my dad's is the small one mainly because i have no cousins there
just because you're a good writer and i'd love to follow you there if you had one
"Great. Expect a flood of followers for the next few... I'm not sure. It'll happen right now if I tweet something about you." He started to compose a tweet about the boy laying on his bed, turning to take a picture of him once it was finished. Then he flopped down next to him, holding the phone up above his head. "This picture is terrible. You okay with this being in your debut to fame?" Alex asked, showing him the tweet.
presenting @[username] the least photogenic tour sidekick. photo 1/? -
oh, I get that, I have a lot of cousins too c: was it fun at least?
ahh wow that means a lot coming from you thank you very much wow
Evan snickered, sitting up, tugging his shirt down when he finally noticed it had drifted up. He squinted at the picture, then burst out laughing. So much for winking at the camera, it looked more like he was about to sneeze. After his giggles died down, he nodded, smiling widely. "It's perfect. Very sexy. Now my turn." He pulled out his phone and held it up before the two of them. Though, differently then the singer, he let Alex position himself before snapping the photo. -
mom's side was. i was in charge of monitoring my younger cousins, mostly, but they're getting old enough that they're cool now. dad's... not so much. i just sit there while they talk about dead people
yeah man i need to read more of your work
"A little too sexy, if you ask me. I'll definitely be saving it for later," he joked, posting the tweet and setting his phone up by the pillows. He scooted closer so that they were both in the picture, close enough to turn his head and reach out to kiss-- no. Not the time, he reminded himself before giving a cute grin and staring up at the phone. As soon as their photo session was over, he looked over at Evan and at his glasses. "Can I try those on?" he asked. -
oh, that's good ^^ kids are kind of annoying when they're too too little
ahhh seriously thank you very much ^^ that means a lot thank you
what's your wattpad then? I'd love to read more of your writing too
Evan smirked, laughing again. "Should I give you some alone time?" He joked back, before turning to glance down at his phone, fingers dancing rapidly over the little keyboard.
me and @[username]. my celebrity friend is cuter than yours, your argument is invalid.
He grinned and tilted the screen so that Alex could read what he typed. "Good, or will that only freak out the shippers?" he asked, only to be met with Alex examining his glasses. "Hm? Oh, yeah, sure, I guess," he replied quickly. He gently pulled the frame off and held the glasses out, squinting just slightly when Alex's face became blurry. -
well the thing is... the youngest is 11 so really they're not that much younger? it's mostly watching the youngest one because she's got kind of bad adhd also they really like me so i'm cool with that
ha. haha. hahaha. it... doesn't have any actual stories yet. i'll let you know when it does!
"Nope, I'd rather have the real thing," he replied, though much quieter. His attention quickly turned to the other's phone, the message inspiring a cute smirk on his face. "Only the right amount. I think freaking out the shippers a little bit is great. Thanks," he said, tacking on the last part as he received the frames.
Alex slipped Evan's glasses on, staring up at the ceiling for a moment, then over at him. His eyes shut almost instantly. "Sorry for saying this, but you're so blind." He raised the phone, managed to open his eyes, and took a quick selfie. Of course, it turned out fine. He was happy to take off the glasses and return them to their owner. -
ohh that's not bad ^^ all my cousins are 1-9 and there's lots of them so they can be a handful
please do!
Evan blinked in surprise, but Alex had spoken so softly he was almost afraid to question whether or not the singer had said what he thought. Deciding that worrying about wouldn't do any good, he focused on what the other was saying at normal volume. He laughed, feeling his face go slightly hot at watching Alex struggle to take a cute selfie with his glasses on- though the whole thing was rather blurry. "Yeah, I know." He laughed again, quick to put them back on. Suddenly his phone dinged and he glanced down, eyes widening. "That's a lot of followers..." -
wow uh well then. i'm actually one of the youngest? my oldest cousin is like 26. lots of expectations on the last of us when everyone's becoming a doctor or an engineer or a therapist
Alex was almost unimpressed. "Yeah. You'll get m-" he was cut off by the phone making another little noise, accompanied by a notification about a text from one of Evan's friends. He didn't say anything about it, but silently expected it to be a fan. Plenty of people had already responded to the celebrity's message, most excited but a few responding negatively. Just as he was about to ask about the text, a man knocked at the open door and brought in their breakfast. -
oh, wow, how old are you? it's gotta be like 17 right? unless I'm way off haha
oh god I get that, my older brother's going to college for neuroscience ^^;
Evan wasn't surprised when Amanda's text popped up, a lot of gibberish and a few capitalized curse words. When he didn't answer right away, she called him, his phone vibrating as it played a little jingle. He cringed sheepishly. "Can I take this? I hate to be rude, but it'll only get worse if I ignore her," he explained with a small laugh. He smiled politely at the waiter who set down their tray and left quickly, embarrassed as his phone continued to ring. -
16 but 17 in a few months. wait how old are you?
Alex nodded, eager to hear about the call when he came back. Part of him wanted to ask to say hello, but it was probably one of those things that could be eliminated, along with the conceitedness from the night before. He mixed in the right amounts of sugar and cream into his coffee before taking a drink. Eventually he stood up and headed towards the hall, trying to listen in a bit. -
15, 16 in March ^^
Evan thanked him, and though the smell of the freshly made omelettes was tempting, he knew he had to answer Amanda. So he slipped out of the room, answering the phone and holding it a little away from his ear, anticipating a lot of shouting. Of course, he was right.
"Ohmyf---inggodEvan! Is that-- Is he-- oh my god, if that's photoshop I'm gonna murder you!" Evan chuckled. "Nope, no photoshop. He's the real deal. Oh, and about that, I may or may not be going on tour with him as his new assistant." This time there were no words, just a lot of unintelligible screaming. "You need to send me pictures! Lots of pictures!" She demanded finally. "And tell him about me! I love him so so much! Now go, do it now!" And with that, she hung up, leaving Evan in the hallway slightly confused. He was almost certain she was incapable of speaking at a normal speed. He sighed, chuckled softly, and slipped back into the room. -
then you'll be 16 going on 17 (baby it's time to think)
or wait does that mean you've already been 16 for a while?? then that's me omg time for me to go off and get married sorry lucky it's been nice
Alex grinned at Evan as he walked back in, then took a sip of his coffee. "What'd she say? I could almost hear her from here. If it's about me... I want to call her back." He sat with his legs crossed on the bed, smirking at the other boy. There was something he'd always wanted to do to a fan, and now... he had his chance. -
*insert captain america "i understood that reference" gif here*
i better be invited to the wedding at least
Evan snickered, nodding excitedly. "My friend Amanda is crazy obsessed with you." He pressed call on her number and held his phone out, grinning. "I'll warn you now, she may pass out." He listened as she answered the phone, sipping his coffee after adding a bit of sugar. "Hello? Evan? I'm hanging up unless you got me a backstage pass." -
sure but i don't want a traditional wedding i want to like... get legally married and then put all of the wedding/reception money towards buying our first house and the reception sort of thing will be like... wear grubby clothes and we'll paint the house together then have dinner in the backyard because that ceremony is such a symbolic waste imo
Alex took the phone and turned on the speaker option. He then held it out a bit, knowing that the girl would probably start screaming again. He grinned at Evan for a moment before speaking. "Not Evan. Alex, actually. Heard you're a fan."
He didn't even get a chance to finish the sentence before the girl started up again. "OH MY GOD ALEEEEEEXXX! I LOVE YOU PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU ON YOUR TOUR I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OH MY f---ING GOD PLEASE oh my god oh my god oh my god." It slowly became unintelligible, and the singer had a hard time holding in his laughter.
"Okay, but if you want to know why I called you, you'll need to calm down. Please," he said, amusement evident in his voice. There was a bit more noise from her end, then she told him that she was ready. He grinned. "I wanted to call you, because I've heard from Evan that you're a really big fan. And thank you for that. Because you ditched him last night, he's here with me right now."
Amanda started up again, this time seeming to give some excuse. Alex looked at Evan as if unsure of what to do. Finally, he decided. "I... I wasn't finished." She stopped, eager to hear what else he had to say. The singer took a deep breath. "No one will ever believe you when you tell them this happened."
With that, he hung up before she could start squealing again. He couldn't hold it in anymore, and broke out into a fit of laughter. This was his real laugh, not the one he used for interviews or concerts. And this laugh, this newly exposed part of him, was considerably more dorky than the cool the celebrity usually kept. -
aw that's actually really sweet I like that ^^
Evan grinned when he turned on the speaker, glad he would be able to hear the conversation, as it would no doubt be hilarious. Although honestly, he was fairly certain he'd be able to hear her no matter what. Amanda had never been a quiet a person, especially not when it came to the blonde sitting across from him, looking twice as excited than he had at his own concert.
When she started to scream, Evan burst out laughing, surpised she hadn't informed him of how much she knew about him, as she so loved telling everyone else. He held a hand over his mouth to try and stifle the noise, but couldn't help collapsing into a fit of giggles when she begged to be taken on tour, and again when she tried to cover for abandoning Evan at the show.
By the time Alex hung up he was a mess, practically crying as he laughed, a huge grin on his face, his hysterics only urged on by Alex's own adorable laughter.
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