1x1: Starstruck
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: 1x1: Starstruck
omg XD basically i think you just have to throw a bro or man in every few sentences and you're good lmao
Evan had to grin at that. "Trust me, I know. I actually might have to get an autograph, my friends would kill to stand this close to you, it's weird. No offense, but you seem like a pretty normal dude." he said with a small shrug. What Alex said next was really surprising, but the blonde looked so worried after that Evan couldn't bring himself to say so. "Yeah, that must suck. I won't tell anyone, no need to look so..." Cute. His mind supplied unhelpfully. Innocent. Adorable. "...scared." -
no seriously i have no idea what cis guys are like??? are they even real?? or are they an urban legend made up to terrify us
Alex didn't realize that he'd been holding his breath until he let it out in a relieved sigh. His secret was safe. He wasn't sure why he'd even worried about it, with Evan being gay and probably knowing what it was like to be so closeted. As he felt himself start to relax again, he finally managed to respond. "Then I'll definitely give you one. Take a few good selfies with you, a backstage pass for one to my next concert? Or will getting back the coat that you let me wear for a few minutes be enough for you? Whatever you want, I'm happy to help you with." His hand slid back into his pocket and retrieved his lucky pick, which he played with absentmindedly. His next words came out in a soft, more exposed tone. "That's... thank you, but I don't even know what normal is anymore."
Before they could move on, his ex left the dressing room, adjusting her shirt and skirt a bit as she came out. She paused, spotting Alex and Evan, then slowly walked over. "I know what you're going to say. No, I don't want to be on your tour anymore. And I know that we're over."
"I think we have been for a while, Claire," Alex told her, suddenly using a cool, but false, front. "I assume you're leaving? Do you need any help?"
"Not really. Jake and I are fine." She replied, turning as the drummer emerged from the dressing room as well. Alex looked back to Evan, and Claire seemed to take that as a good time to leave. A few minutes later, the singer muttered an apology to the other boy, looking ashamed and defeated. -
they're not a legend i believe in them i think i even saw one once
Evan actually laughed at that, nodding. "Pictures would be great," he affirmed with a nod, though his laughter ceased abruptly at what he said next. He felt guilt forming a knot in his stomach for thinking of the guy as spoiled, when really he just seemed sort of...caged. Trapped, sort of. Now he felt pretty bad for him.
Which was part of why when a girl stepped out of the dressing room, fixing her clothes, presumably Alex's ex, he stepped closer to him and crossed his arms, glaring until she left. "Man, what a b----," he muttered, scowling until he heard the soft apology fall from the other boy's lips. Alex had quickly dropped his collected facade. "Woah, wait, don't be sorry. It's not your fault you were stuck on tour with a s---ty drummer and a she-devil," he offered a small smile, hoping he wasn't out of line when he held out a hand for the other to take. "...Do you want to go get a drink or something? I think the stands are still open, and honestly you look like you need to get out for a bit." -
He listened quietly as the other boy offered sympathy, then gave him a small smile as he took his hand. There was something so... normal about this. He wasn't sure if it was that Evan was able to joke about his stardom just as much as he was, that he didn't care about it, or a combination of the two, but hardly an hour with the other boy was already making him feel better than the few months on tour with Claire had. "Sure, I... I'd love to. But first, can I change? That's kind of why I came back here."
The two headed into the dressing room building, and Alex took little time picking out what to wear. He went behind the curtain and changed, then quickly fixed his hair. He didn't want it to look like he was really trying, since wasn't getting a drink... or something, supposed to be casual? Still, it was difficult to hide his excitement. He really needed more friends. -
It was sort of sad, Evan thought, how tentative that little smile was, and he felt guilty again for some of the things he'd said about him in the past. Alex's whole bad boy act was irritating, but Alex as a person seemed sweet. Evan gave the other's hand a little squeeze, and decided that maybe his entire night hadn't been a waste.
While Alex changed, Evan waited quietly on the other side of the curtain, wondering if he was putting some thought into his outfit or if all celebrities took so long to change. Alex didn't look old enough to drink, which was good, Evan wouldn't have to worry about that. They could just grab a few sodas or something. -
Finally satisfied with how he looked, he pulled open the curtain and grinned at Evan. "Okay, first... here's your jacket back. Again, thank you for lending it to me. And whenever you wanted that picture, I'll be happy to take it. Though the dressing room may be one of the best places."
Meanwhile, Alex's manager was looking for him. She was having so much difficulty that her search had attracted two security staff, who had agreed to help her look. They eventually decided to look in the dressing room, and started heading over. -
Evan nodded, shrugging his jacket back on. "Yeah, yeah, here would be great." He tugged his phone out of his pocket, opening up the camera and leaning in towards Alex, grinning. "Thanks for doing this," he mumbled, smiling. The poor blonde must've been so sick of taking pictures by now, but he was still willing to do it for someone who wasn't even a fan.
After a few good pictures, he was just tucking his phone back into his pocket when a harsh knock rattled at the door. He shot Alex a curious look, wondering if more rabid girls had stayed behind to try and meet him. -
goooood morning
He had to admit, he was so sick of taking pictures. But these felt different. Besides, he was secretly involved with his fandom online, just because certain parts of it could be so ridiculous at times. If he heard anything about this, or saw the selfies, he'd definitely be amused. And it'd give him some sort of communication to this guy later.
Before he could comment on the pictures, there were a series of pounding knocks on the door. He glanced over at Evan and shrugged, then went to answer it. His manager, flocked by two larger men, rushed into the room, looking irritated. "There you are! You're supposed to be back at the stage so we can-- who's that? He's not authorized to be back here."
At that, the two guards approached Evan out of precaution. Alex wasn't really sure what to say. Technically, he wasn't, but... they couldn't just kick him out! "He's my new travel assistant. Claire quit, so I hired him. Please don't make him leave." -
good morning ^w^
Evan reminded himself to post those later, and to send them to Amanda. He chuckled softly, her reaction would no doubt be hilarious. She'd probably accuse him of photoshop or something, but they both knew he wasn't that dedicated to making her jealous. And the dressing room background would certainly help.
When the knocks sounded again, they sounded much angrier, and before he knew what was happening, two enormous men were lumbering towards him, looking fully intent on literally throwing him out. "Woah, hey," he took a step back, and luckily Alex stopped them before they could do anything. He nodded, hurriedly agreeing with the story. "That's right!" he grinned at the impatient woman standing by the door and stepped up beside Alex. "Don't worry, I'm much friendlier than Claire." -
how are youuuuuu??
"Trust me, he is. And we're going to be delayed a day or so before the next concert, so we can figure out everything in that time, right?" He gave her a pleading look, which wasn't really necessary. He knew she'd agree, but it would take a few minutes. Eventually, she let out a defeated sigh, staring at the two boys.
"Fine. We can do a background check and everything... You have a passport, right?" She gestured for them to follow her and continued on about the itinerary for the next few days, somewhat grumpily adding Evan to their plans. Once they reached the stage, she turned and looked at both of them, then at the guards. "I have to go talk to someone, but we should be ready to go in twenty minutes or so. Be ready by fifteen," she paused, looking past them to the guards. "Watch this... Watch Alex's new assistant for now, will you?" It was obvious that she didn't trust him much. -
ahhhhhhhHH my family i swear
they're evil so sorry i was gone all day! )
Seeing Alex shoot the woman a pleading expression, Evan figured she was important, and he should probably avoid angering her. He offered up a small, polite smile, satisfied when she agreed.
Although after a moment, he realized exactly what was going on. Traveling wouldn't be an issue, His mom's boyfriend could take care of her, but he knew nothing about being a 'travel assistant', whatever that was. He leaned towards Alex, eyeing the bulky bodyguards cautiously. "Hey, uh, are you serious about this?" he asked. It could've just been something blurted out to save him from the bodyguards earlier, so there was no point in worrying about the job unless it was an actual offer. -
dw i was gone all day too
i was legit driving halfway across the state with my family but here i am and i have internet
"Uh..." Evan had temporarily forgotten what he'd said earlier. Really, it was to keep him from being thrown out, but since his manager had taken him seriously, it was totally possible. Suddenly remembering, he let out a quiet noise of happy realization. "If you want it to be serious, then it is. I'll explain, but you really don't have to do much. You just... travel with me. And stuff." It didn't occur to him that the boy may not be comfortable with suddenly leaving his life and traveling the world with a celebrity he'd loathed until that night. -
oh woah how come?
Evan grinned, holding back a laugh at the pleased little squeak Alex made upon realizing what he'd done. "As long as it's okay with you, I'd love too. I've been stuck in this stupid city for way too long," he said, shaking his head. "I mean, I'd have to make a few phone calls, stop home for clothes and stuff, but I'd be happy to." He explained with a shrug. As long as Alex acted like this rather than how he appeared in magazines and things, traveling with him would be no problem. -
family reunion. for five days
also @evan do u realize that u will be shipped. as soon as you are spotted. it will happen
"Okay. We have to wait here a day or so anyway. Though... you probably won't be allowed to stay with us until you've had a background check or something. I... we should exchange numbers. So I can tell you where you need to be tomorrow morning."
Okay, that wasn't why he wanted the other boy's number. But it would come in handy for the next day, and the last thing he wanted was to lose connection with him in the case that he didn't join him on his tour. Alex pulled out his phone and unlocked it, then handed it to Evan. -
ooh, fun! or fun I hope?
omfg true the fangirls will get him
tumblr posts erywhere
Evan nodded quickly. "Yeah, that makes sense. Although you can trust me, you know." He smiled at him, hoping that the other boy understood that he didn't have to put up a front with him. "I, uh, I promise I'm not a serial killer or anything," he added with a light laugh. He took Alex's phone, trading it for his own before swiftly typing his number in, adding a little sparkly emoji next to his name so it would stand out. Unless Alex had emojis next to all his contacts, but he didn't strike Evan as that kind of guy.
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